"True happiness,"

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"There you are baby,"

"Hello Dean,"

"Cas," The blonde breathed walking over to the driver's seat of the impala where the angel was sitting. 

Damn right at that moment he knew that his heaven was complete. Though the blonde didn't know if he was calling Cas or the Impla baby- well maybe both. 

Castiel went to go say something however Dean cut him off opening the Impala's door pulling the angel by the trench coat out the car and hugging him tightly. 

"I- How are you here?" The blonde questioned hurt and sadness clouding his voice at the thought of five minutes ago living with Castiel gone. 

"Jack brought be back ten minutes ago said something urgent happened that caused him so much- oh," Castiel looked down through a frown. "You died Dean,"

"Yeah I can see that,"

"But I-"

"Don't worry I saved the world first for you… All thanks to you," Castiel never let go of Dean enjoying them not minding their personal space.

"You caused Jack so much grief that he was able to take down the empty… How did you manage to save the world even after dying?"

"Because I'm Dean Winchester," The blonde smirked. 

"That you are," The angel smiled though there was a hint of sadness behind it. "Where's Sam?" Dean's heart broke at the thought. 

"Probably saving those kids from the vampires just like he promised me,"

"But… But a vampire couldn't have taken you down you went against God-"

"Well they did and maybe it's because…'" Dean trailed off at the end glancing away and scratching the back of his neck nervously. He never did learn to keep his mouth shut. 


"I was losing hope to live alright, yeah I saved the world awesome and all but all my family was practically dead! I have a drinking problem and even if Chuck was gone he still has control over me,"

"No he doesn't,"

"He does in my nightmares Cas! And I just couldn't live with myself never getting to tell you that… that…"

"What is it Dean?"

"That you're a stupid son of a bitch and that I love you,"

Castiel let out a gasp, his eyes going wide. "You're sure?"

"You're my true happiness too Cas… I couldn't live with myself knowing you were dead,"

"I'm here now," The raven-haired man smiled his fingers trailing across Dean's jaw. "Is this the part where we are supposed to connect our lips?"

"Sure Cas," And that's when Dean ended up with his fingers running through Castiel's thick locks of hair their lips locked and peaks running up and down their spines.

"I-I guess I should show you around heaven now," Castiel mumbled through a blush as Dean nodded looking at Castiels blue eyes and getting lost in them. 

They stood for a couple of minutes just staring at each other before someone behind them began to laugh.

"That won't be necessary if you show him around," They both turned around and Dean gasped, pulling Jack into a hug.

"Good Job kid,"

"You're the one who caused this Dean," Jack explained as if it were obvious. "I was so angry about you dying it caused me to kill the empty… After all you monster hint when you're angry so I thought-"

"You're awesome,"


"Why isn't it necessary that I show him around heaven?" Castiel questioned and confused his head tilting to the side causing Adnan to smile a small smile. 

"Because he's going back to Earth to live out his life," Jack explained as if it were obvious to everyone but them. 

"What? No I don't want to, I'm sick of ruining things and changing the order in which things have to-"

"That was all a lie Chuck told you I brought back Claire three times already and nothing has happened," Jack reassured through a laugh causing Dean's eyes to widen. "Cas knows in the last ten minutes he's seen everything I've changed a lot," Jack let out a tired puff of air. 

Dean glanced at Castiel.

"And angels are still allowed on earth,"

"Of course Castiel can come with you," Dean blushed. 

"So you can bring me back?"

"Yeah just stop dying please I can see why Chuck hated having to bring people back it's a lot of work… But it's worth it,"

"Thank you Jack," And that's how Dean and Castiel ended up back on earth in the bunker where Sam was sitting at the library table staring longingly at the initials carved in the table with Miracle by his side.

"Cas? Dean? DEAN!" Sam was scrambling to his feel falling off his chair as he went and embraced his brother in a tight hug. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too,"

"Things haven't been the same without either of you," Sam explained, wiping his tears away. 

"We're here now there's no need to worry," Suddenly Sam looked down at his brother's hand interlocked with the angels.

"I knew it," The two smiled at each other, smiles of pure happiness.

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