"You, me, and Cas toes in the sand,"

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"Because I'm FORTY TWO!" Jack and Castiel heard being screamed across the hallway before Dean slid into the entrance of the kitchen. 

Castiel and Jack were currently working on birthday pancakes for the Hunter, Sam having run out on a food run as he realized they really didn't have any. 

"Taylor Swift good choice," Jack smiled as Dean came into the kitchen. 

Dean had been sliding around in his noodle socks all morning, shirtless under his robe with his hotdog pajama pants clinging to his body. 

Not to mention sunglasses on. "Dean I thought only douchebags wear sunglasses inside," Sam mumbled into the kitchen with a sigh dropping the grocery bags on the counter. 

"The rule applies to everyone but me," Dean smirked as Castiel and Jack came over setting some confetti pancakes in front of Dean. 

"It was Jack's idea to use frosting to write the numbers. Mine was the sprinkles," Castiel explained through a smile as Dean's eyes widened at the sight of them. 

"Awesome," Dean grinned that cheeky grin that always caused one to form across the Angels lips as well. 

"Jack! Miracle doesn't need cookie crunch!" Sam exclaimed as Jack smiled and quickly took a big handful for himself. "You don't need anymore either!" Suddenly that's when Jack was chased out of the room by Sam. 

"Thank you Cas these pancakes are amazing," The eldest Winchester smiled through a big mouthful. 

"Dean you and Miracle deserve each other the two of you are both going to die of diabetes,"

"I told you this already Sammy if food is what kills me then I'm happy," and with that Dean took another large bite of pancake again. 

"CAS SAM SAID WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH!" Jack exclaimed excitedly as he came into the kitchen mouth full of cookie crunch. 

"I told you it was a surprise for Dean!"

"You told me I could tell Cas…"

"Not in front of- y'know what, whatever everyone gets ready we're going to the beach," Sam grumbled while taking a drink of water.

"The beach," Dean murmured deep in thought. 

"You told me that's where you wanted to go once we won and we did but if you don't want-"

"Hell yeah I want to!" Dean exclaimed through a grin suddenly standing to his feet and having all the pancakes in his mouth. 

"Last time I went to the beach I stepped on a fish," Castiel explained to Dean as they walked toward Dean's rook together.

Dean let out a laugh, causing the angel to chuckle. "Well at least they can't hurt you," Dean chuckled. 

Castiel smiled at Dean smiling. Ever since they defeated Chuck… Ever since Cas came back from the empty Dean has been the happiest man alive. 

He finally won, and this time no one was going to be able to take that away from him. 

"Alright so which ones do you want the scooby doo or the plaid?" Dean questioned holding up the swim trunks. "Sorry that u only have two pairs we really don't swim at the motels to often and-"

"It's alright Dean you choose which ones you want first," The raven-haired angel reassured causing Dean to grin at him. 

Long story short Castiel ended up with scooby doo on his ass. 

Dean was sitting on the beach just like he had imagined, a coconut drink in one hand, with Sam by his side. 

It was calm and peaceful and there was sand between his toes. Dean watched as Cas and Jack looked for seashells on the beach.

Suddenly Sam began to speak. "So are you enjoying your birthday so far?"

"It's been… Awesome," The blonde reassured his brother as they clinked drinks. 

Though suddenly that's when Dean saw Cas was in front of him. "Cas… Cas what are you doing," Castiel was picking Dean up and carrying him over to the water. 

That's when Dean was thrown in. They all began to laugh except Dean who gave them a bitch face. 

"That's it!" Dean exclaimed, pulling the angel into the water. "Scooby doo ASS!"

"Last I checked those were your swim trunks Dean," Another bitch face sent Sam's way. 

"Jack told me to throw you in!" Castiel exclaimed through a laugh as he acted on the surface of the water. 

A bitch face sent Jack's way. That's when suddenly Dean got the idea of messing with them. 

"Dean… What are you!?" And that's when suddenly Dean and Castiels lips locked. 

Sam's eyes widened as Jack let out a gasp. And once their lips parted ways Dean made sure to dunk the angel under the water again. 

"Got ya!" Dean exclaimed as Castiel came up through a blush. 

"I knew something happened between the two of you!" Sam exclaimed pointing a finger at them. "Spill,"

"Before Cas went to the empty he told me he loved me and when he came back we just went right back to where we left off," Dean shrugged through a smirk. 

As Castiel smiled his way. "Well Cas even if you do love you Dean you can't like and say that he doesn't deserve FORTY TWO SPLASHES ON HIS BIRTHDAY!" Sam exclaimed as him and Jack came into the water and began to splash the other two.

That ended up being the best Birthday Dean had ever had. Ah his toes in the sand… Toes in the sand.

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