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"I still don't understand why I have to wear this," Castiel mumbled through a small blush, by now though he wasn't really ever nervous in front of Dean. After all they had been together for three years now- and nothing could ever tear them apart again.

"I thought I lend them to you since you like scooby doo too," Dean explained as Castiel climbed into bed beside him and the blonde clicked play on the TV. 

"I met "shaggy" I think it a little weird to have his picture on my-"

"You don't have to wear it," Dean mumbled sadly it was no doubt he thought the angel looked cute in his robe and Scooby Doo boxers. 

"But I want to," Castiel mumbled through a chuckle. "It's just it feels weird,"

"Yeah, that's how humans feel," Dean mumbled through a chuckle. "I'm sorry Cas do I need to wear something different-"

"No Dean I- you don't have too-" Though before Castiel got out the rest that's when Dean slipped out of bed. 

He began to rummage through his closet, until he found a cowboy hat and some cowboy boots he slipped them on over his pajamas than thought for a moment like he needed something. 

Next he added a shirt that said "eat me," on it and Castiel's trench coat over top with his boyfriend's blue tie hanging loosely around his neck. 

"Put on some pants I'm taking you somewhere," Dean explained causing Castiel to glance at him confused. 

"Where?" Dean was happier and more eager to live life now than he had been before no doubt about that. 

So when they ended up at the grocery store in their crazy clothes that might at midnight if was a moment neither of them would forget.

They got many stares, but other than that things were normal as they picked up at the minimum two pies from the pie section. 

There were a lot of old people who wanted to avoid the lines of the day going late at night. Like this one lady who wouldn't stop staring at Cas. He didn't have a shirt on just Dean's robe. The raven-haired angel turned to Dean. 

"Get that one bee," Castiel pointed to one of the Apple pies. "that's your favorite- oh and bee we need to get whipped cream for the top so that I can spray you again," Castiel began to laugh as he began to walk away. 

Dean chuckled to himself. "I'll meet you at the register bee!" Castiel exclaimed and after Dean nodded he was gone. 

"Bee is that short for something?" The old lady questioned coming up beside Dean and grabbing a cherry pie. 

"Uh no," Dean mumbled through a chuckle. "It's-"

"Hm bee I like it, it's unique,"  She smiled as she walked away leaving Dean there blushing and laughing. 

Dean only chuckled to himself grabbing some one and meeting Castiel by the wrong entrance. Though as Castiel began to take awhile Dean began to become worried. 

That was until two arms wrapped around him from behind. 

"Hey Cas," Dean smiled Turing around to face him. 

Castiel yawned and laid his head on Deans shoulder. As Deab moved them up to the register he noticed the cashier was staring… At his boyfriend. 

Dean smiled as the guy bagged their things and turned toward Castiel gently shoving him so that his body was blocking most if him and then grinning. 

He loved being protective over the people he loved, and smashed his lips to the angels. 

After a what kind of boyfriend world we be if he didn't kiss Castiel in public and show the world what was his. 

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