"Stupid Son Of a Bitch,"

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“Dean Winchester is saved,”

Everyone rejoiced in heaven, Castiel hugging Jack tightly and Bobby cheering behind them. Ellen grabbed the two boys by their collars and hugged the two of them, Jo probably still in the roadhouse.

“Now the two of you take good care of my boys, you hear?” She questioned as Castiel nodded eager to leave heaven after just being saved not too long ago only to hear of Dean’s passing.

Luckily though the eldest Winchester hadn’t ever made it to heaven just yet. Thankfully Jack was able to save him just in time.

The raven-haired human was nervous- almost like he wanted to stay in heaven be a ghost and help Jack rebuild heaven. However he knew that the boys would like to know that he’s alright and not rotting in the empty.

That he had been able to kill the empty.

“So let me get this straight you and Dean went to interrogate vampires to save some kids and figure out more about the empty and Dean he…” Castiel trailed off at the end unable to get the words past his fragile and cold lips.

A lump formed in his throat at the thought. He couldn’t imagine what it felt like when Dean had to see him die all those times. Luckily for Castiel he had never had to witness his best friend dying, though he knew he had before it was better to never witness it.

“Well thanks to small bean Jack here Dean’s alright,” Sam smiled through a wide grin. “Thanks for erasing his memory of what happened he’s in the shower and doesn’t even know a thing,”

“The size of my grace is the united states and africa combined I don’t think I am small enough to be a-”

“Jack! Hey what are you-” Suddenly Dean stopped mid sentence his eyes landing on Castiel who was standing to the right of Jack. Sam suddenly stood up with a smile on his face. “Cas,”

“Hello Dean,” Castiel had a small smile on his face kind’ve wishing that he had come back to the Winchesters sooner. Though heaven and Jack had needed him, he knew that they had as well. However, he knew what was coming soon.


“You stupid son of a btich! How the hell are you so stupid!” Dean exclaimed storming toward the angel causing him to back away in fear.

Out of his three days being back from the empty, he expected this conversation to go very differently.

“I- what?”

“Dammit Cas how the hell could you leave someone after saying that!” Dean didn’t care if there were other people in the room all he cared about was getting Castiel right back into his arms where he belonged.

Dean pulled him by the trench coat and into a hug burying his face into Castiel's shoulder. “Don’t ever do that again,”

“I won’t,”

“So uh surprise Cas is back,” Sam mumbled scratching the back of his neck deep in thought about what happened between his brother and the angel. 

“How long?” Dean questioned his eyes getting glossy. “We were trying everything we-”

“Sam told me… I’ve been back three days,” Castiel explained. “I’ve been helping Jack restore heaven after I killed the empty,”

“You killed the empty?” Dean questioned hope filling his eyes as he smiled widely as Castiel nodded in return. “Awesome,”

Jack smiled at the two of them. “I gave Cas some of my power to wake him from the empty and he gave it up to kill the empty,” 

Sam was smiling and impressed as Jack had a wide grin across his face as well. Dean and Castiel obviously were still sharing eye contact as things were still just the way as they were before.

“I’m glad you're back,” Dean explained to Castiel. “Both of you,” He turned toward Jack. “Cas… About what you said before you left-”

“I know you don’t feel the same way,” Castiel mumbled his hand becoming clamhy as suddenly he wished someone would burry him into a ditch.

“You stupid son of a bitch! You can’t just leave without hearing me say it back of course I love you Cas!”

“You do?” Castiel questioned confused.

“You’re my true happiness too Cas,” Dean reassured through a small smile scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“I thought they were married-” Jack whispered to Sam from behind them causing Dean and Castiel to whip around to face him giving him confused looks. “Well the way that you were acting Dean when I brought Castiel back the first time I thought-” Sam was bursting out laughing at this point as Dean only shrugged his shoulders

“Well… It is what it is,” That’s when Dean fisted Castiel's trench coat and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Next thing the four of them knew the lights above them were bursting, and the whole bunker went black.

“Dammit Cas,” Was the only whisper that could be heard in the darkness of the bunker.

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