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Dean stopped being so reckless… He couldn’t anymore he couldn’t anymore thus he had someone that loved him. Sure him and Sam loved each other however, that simply wasn’t the same.

“This is bullshit! I just got him back and I don’t want you-”

“Dean it’s for a hunt we agreed on to work together and you know we only have the weekends now,” Sam explained as if what he was explaining was obvious and to him it was.

They had been hunting some weekends on and off for a couple of months now ever since Cas came back. Ever since then the four of them have been trying to live the life that they deserved.

Dean finally realizing how much he wants to live… With Castiel back and his family safe.

The world was safe and didn’t need saving. All there are is normal hunts, ones that reminded him of the old days he had spent with Sam right after his brother left Stanford and decided to become a hunter fulltime.

Now the four of them had saved the world, with help from multiple other people. Now they were back to their old monster hunting ways something that Dean normally loved… Well except this time.

“It’s just for tonight, the shifter won’t go against happy couples Dean it goes against fighting ones!”

“Well then why don’t I just fight with Cas-”

“Because you know you can’t not unless you’re really angry you’d never say anything mean to him,”

“That’s not true watch this-” Dean turned toward his angel and went to go call him ugly however he quickly became lost in his eyes. “You’re ug-handsome,” The green-eyed man was practically drooling by the time Sam pulled him out of his thoughts.

“I can kind’ve see what he means,” Castiel murmured placing a hand on Dean’s right shoulder. “But it’s alright Dean I’ll get my burger to go so that you can have half,”

The blonde smiled at this. Cursing that Eileen had to work through the weekend as he nodded. The blonde held his head low. “I’ll be at the bar if you need me,” And that’s how Dean found himself having more to drink than he’s had in the past few months combined.

He watched from afar as Sam and Castiel acted as close as possible. He scolded his brother for being such a terrible actor and Castiel for simply being a little baby duck that would just follow whatever was happening to him.

He couldn’t hear any of their conversations until they began to get loud.

Sam dumping a drink all over Castiel's head causing him to let out a loud scream causing people to stare their way. Dean kept glancing in the mirror and yet still nothing. Then Sam began to scream at the angel.

“That’s for cheating on me!” Though as Sam stormed off Castiel chased after him pleading to explain himself. Dean downed his drink and watched in the mirror as he went though as he watched he saw something in Castiel's eyes.

“Shit!” He stormed out of the restaurant following closely behind the shifter as he went up behind Sam who was getting in the car.

“Sammy shifter!” Dean exclaimed as that’s when Sam turned around only to be taken to the ground by fake Cas.

Dean had to pull the shifter off of his brother as now fake Castiel was standing right infront of him. 

Dean had his knife tightly, his hand turning white. He didn't want to do this even if it was a fake Castiel.

However from behind the fake Castiel in the cars backseat he saw his real angel tied up obviously knocked out. 

That's when the blonde didn't hesitate to jam the knife into the shifter. 

Then he was able to pull his angel out of the backseat and wake him from his deep sleep as Sam groaned from the ground. 

"I'm fine Dean I-" Though before Castiel could get out the rest of his words Dean wrapped him in a hug. 

"You're never leaving my sight again," Dean reassured through a smile burying his face into the angel's neck. 

He was never going to leave his angel ever again. 

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