"True love,"

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"I love you so much," Dean murmured holding onto his brother for dear life. "I'm sorry,"

"No Dean! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LEAVE ME! Not again," The two of them had been on a simple hunt- very simple after defeating God himself. 

They both weren't trying that hard and were being cocky after all they had just saved the world and were finally free to do what they did best.

Though Dean knew that he would always go this way- on a hunt. 

A hunt gone wrong. Who knew that a vampire would take him out- after all he was one for quite some time and he did have a thing for one in purgatory. 

"Just tell me it's ok," Dean's voice was becoming shaky as a cought cut him off at the end as blood began to go up his throat. 

Sam knew that he didn't have much time and yet he knew that he was going to try everything in his power to save his brother. Knowing that if anyone deserved to live an apple pie life that it was him. 

"Sammy I-" Dean didn't get out the rest as Sam shushed him holding his brother tightly. 

"I love you Dean I'll be right back," He reassured as the blonde let out a whimper. However that whimper was too low for his brother to hear as Sam then left him.

Then Dean was all alone… About to die. After finally getting what he wanted and saving the world. 

Dean let out a cry only causing more blood to escape his mouth as he winced in pain. This was it for him, as he attempted to call out to his brother all that came out was a gargle of blood. 

He tried to reach out only for his arm to go back to his side out if weakness, and then suddenly a whirl of wind hit him. 

The light of the barn sparked and then the door burst open from the wind. There was a person standing in the shadows at first Dean thought it was another vampire and then he saw a trench coat flying in the wind behind him. 

"Cas," Dean knew that he was probably hallucinating that there was no way in hell that it could be his angel and then two fingers were placed to his head. 

"Dean, wake up! Dean wake up! I filled out all the papers you can get out today," Dean squinted his eyes and rubbed them, staring at Sam through a groan. 

"It's too early,"

"But don't you want to leave?" Dean couldn't lie and say that he didn't. However he was ready for the big change when he got home. 

No more using the stairs into the bunker, no more sliding in his socks down the hall. He was paralyzed from the waist down. And there was no angel to save him. 

No more hunting, just sitting… Dean was already bored. 

"I'm ready," Dean forced a smile across his lips however it quickly vanished at the thought of all the people that were missing.

Just as Dean was about to ease himself up there was a knock at the door. Sam and Dean immediately glanced skeptically at one another causing them each to let out a chuckle. 

Sam called for them to come in causing Dean to glare at him. Though the eldest Winchester let it go he was too tired to argue. 

After all Sam hadn't left his side and Dean was grateful for his baby brother. 

Dean's mouth was gaped open with shock at who was standing in the door ways along with Sam's.

"I had to sneak in apparently it is not "visiting hours,"" Castiel did the quotations with his hands causing Dean to smile a wide smile. 

He missed the angel, and Castiel had gone through dressing up as a doctor just to see him. 

"I don't have enough power to teleport but I can do this-" Suddenly Castiel was walking over it Dean his hand glowing with a small ball of the last of his grace. 

"No-" However before Dean could get out the rest Castiel's grace was gone and Dean was healed.

"You stupid son of a bitch how the hell did you-"

"Hello Dean," Castiel murmured, staring at the two men infront of him. "Jack and I managed to kill the empty together though it took a toll on my gace,"

"How the hell could you say something like that and leave someone! You stupid son of a bitch are you crazy of course I feel the same way about you!"

"I- wait what?"

Dean was stunned at what had just escaped his lips as Sam stood there amused. 

"I love you Cas,"

Those words ended up being the one that the universe had been waiting for. True love. 

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