"Match made in heaven,"

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"You're the reason your mother died in that fire!" John exclaimed, hitting his son across the face. 

Dean had noticed the signs immediately. His father was acting differently toward him, obviously angry with him. 

The blonde knew not to question it and just go along with this business. Though that didn't work thus his father still seemed angry at him. 

And then one day he found out that to be true. 

His father began to hit him at first little hits and then those turned into punches. Over little things like not cleaning properly or doing as told. 

The worst ones were when he didn't protect Sammy or the time that he was caught stealing. Though he was never caught selling his body for money and he was glad about that. 

Dean hadn't ever felt comfortable with anyone. He flinched at every sound in the night and every person that touched him. 

So it was no doubt that when Castiel left the bed one night and came back after getting a glass of water that Dena had pulled out a gun on him. 

"Dammit Cas," Dean whispered as the angel got back into other bed beside his boyfriend. 

"I apologize Bee I didn't mean to scare you I'm still not used to being human yet,"

"I can tell," The other man laughed, laying his head back on Castiel's chest. 

The angle was confused at why Dean was awake; he knew that the blonde was a heavy sleeper and that he hadn't woken him up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" By the hunters breaking Castiel knew he had a nightmare.

"What Cas?"

"Your nightmare,"

"I…" Dean's voice became shaky. "It was the night my father told me that my mother's death was all my fault- and even though I know it isn't true it hurts," The blonde had never been this poem with anyone ever before hell he still flinched sometimes when Castiel touched him. Though the raven-haired man didn't mind. 

"You're safe now Dean," Castiel reassured holding him tightly in his arms. "You're safe and you're with me I'll always be here watching over you,"

"I wish I couldn't feel a god damn thing Cas! Even after Chuck is gone after my father- they're still taunting me," Suddenly as Dean said these words Castiel grabbed the hunter by the chin and caused his teary eyes to meet his green ones. 

"It's all over Dean, we have a more profound bond and that has changed us for the better,"

"I love you so much Cas," Dean whispered, connecting their lips together.

Castiel smiled, even if Dean had been raised by his father to be a child blooded killer on the inside he was still the man that his mother wanted him to be. A teddy bear type of man.

Though if broke the raven-haired man's heart to thin labour all the times that he wants there for this poor man. All of the things that he had been through were horrific and something that no one should ever have to go through.

Castiel cursed Chuck for not letting the angels out of heaven sooner. Though that turned out to be his first mistake and one of the leading reasons why he isn't God any longer. 

"I love you too Dean,"  This caused the blonde to grin tiredly, his eyes barely open as he did so burying his face into the angel. 

The angel smiled, the hunter always let his guard down around the angel. Even when he isn't even an angel anymore the Hunter still felt safe. Castiel smiled at that fact and enjoyed how his cant made Dean better. After all he only wanted the best for the blonde and he deserves it. 

Castiel ran fingers through Dean's hair to clam him hearing the blondes sniffles gradually begin to fade away.

"I'll always be here to watch over you," Castiel reassured. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon,"

"Y'know what I'm glad I have feelings I'm glad I can love you," Suddenly Dean was getting tiredly excited. "I'll show you tomorrow though it's too early for this,"

"Bee it's-"

"Shhh!" Dean interrupted causing the angel to laugh. 

The two of them were a match made in heaven… Literally.

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