"Black Goo,"

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Dean would have gotten to see Castiel again in a couple of weeks if Jack really had become God. How could the Winchesters ever tell that really it had been empty riding around with them all this time. 

That Jack was also just as dead as Castiel. The blonde knew something was wrong the moment "Jack" didn't bring back Castiel right away when he got all of his powers. 

Dean was supposed to see Castiel again… After all, their story wasn't over yet.

His eyes spilled with tears often, what kind of awful writing was this? For a moment he thought that he was in control of his destiny with Chuck gone. 

However he soon realized that simply wasn't the case.

He told Sam how he felt however the younger Winchester brushed him off. He knew what Dean was going through and that something happened between him and Castiel before everything went down. He knew that the two of them were still hiring and most of the time that's when Dean got some crazy thoughts. 

Yet, Dean wasn't wrong this time. 

There was something wrong and he knew it. Not even Chuck was this terrible at writing. There were to many plot holes to much-

Dean collapsed face first unto the lore book he was reading with tears. He thought he could handle going to the dungeon and yet everything hit him like a truck to the face. 

From then on he was determined to get to the bottom of this. 

He didn't tell Sam or anyone else his plan. He called Jack to the bunkers library and to his surprise he actually showed. Even if he wasn't supposed to interact with humans anymore. 

Dean held his back pocket bearing his knife. All he has to do was cut Jack and see what color he bled. 


Dean quickly pulled it out, slashing Jack across the arm. "Dean!" Sam exclaimed however he quickly stopped and gasped at the black goo leaking out of Jack's arm. 

It was the Empty. Dean's suspicions were right. 

"Where's Cas!" Dean all in but demanded.

He had been so close to confessing to Castiel that day and yet had never gotten the chance.

"You caught me," Jack put his hands up in defence. "I had to steal power from the empty I didn't want you to-"

"You stupid son of a bitch where the hell is Jack?"

"Why he's with Castiel," Suddenly the empty began to morph into its normal form it's thick black goo. Dean tumbled over a table getting out of the way before it could grab him like it had Castiel. 

"Don't you want to be with your angel?" Dear had to resist the urge to nod as he gave the empty his signature bitch face. 

"What do you want from us?" It was Sam who was finally speaking up causing the empty to shake its head.

"I want everything- including the things closest to the angels the made it loud!" Suddenly the empty was screaming now causing Dean and Sam to cover their ears. 

The two brothers really had no idea how to kill the empty. 

However Dean had a good idea. 

The blonde pulled out his phone while the empty was going on a rampage, googling an air horn sound. This shut the empty up at Dean began to scream. Sam began to scream as well causing the empty to keep trying to snatch them in its goo.

Dean titled his head causing Sam to follow his lead which led them to the garage. The empty had gotten in there right as Dean pit the mixtape in the impala on full blast. 

The empty then exploded leaving goo everywhere. 

Sam and Dean had just gotten the chance to hug each other when suddenly the red lights of the bunker began to go off. They went into the map room to see what was going on and stopped in their tracks at the sight of the two angels standing in their presence. 

"Jack… Cas," Dean's voice became softer at the end as his eyes filled with tears. 

This was how it was supposed to be. Dean Winchester getting his family back… Getting to see his family again.

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