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Dean sat there drunk as hell. His vision and his mind were fuzzy with alcohol, though he didn't mind it. The alcohol was the only thing that caused him to be numb enough to see Castiel again.

Damn he missed his Guardian angel. 

Sometimes Dean was so drunk that he would imagine Castiel sitting in the chair next to his bed- the chair that Dean refused to move. Alas it was only his green jacket with the bloody hand print across it. 

Dean would look at the kitchen doorway and remember the time Castiel walked in and he called him sunshine. 

Dean saw him in his brother- sometimes when the eldest Winchester would look at Sam he would see all those crazy hunts Castiel and Sam would tell him about like the time Sam was turned into some guy named Justin who hated cussing. 

Dean thought about Castiel's potty mouth and would snicker. Assbutt must've learned it from him. 

Dean's eyes were filled with tears as he stared at the security tapes of the dungeon on his lap top over and over. Like he mentioned before he was on verge of being black out drunk just to be numb enough to do this. Every Time he saw the empty shivers ran up his spine, he was tearing up just at the thought of him and Castiel watching movies on this laptop and now what he was watching-

Sam came in and Dean slammed his laptop closed immediately, rubbing his teary eyes away and acting like he was tired. 

"I have a lead," Sam announced through a smile. "Jack and I will go check it out," The youngest Winchester winked in Dean's direction as that's when he remembered their master plan. 

Talking crap about how to take down Chuck, lure him in and bam gank the son of a bitch. But first Dean needed a shower. 

Dean whipped his hand across the fogged mirror and stared at himself in the reflection. He remembers last time he did this Castiel showed up behind him alive. 

The blonde hunter jumped around only to see no one. Though that's what he expected. Dean walked the halls back to his room, he passed the library room which reminded him of the orange rift and his time with Castiel in purgatory. 

Dean continued to walk, feeling his breathing gone heavy. Not even humming Metallica could help him now. 

He stopped outside the dungeons door, his breath now hitched. He didn't go inside he couldn't ever bring himself to do so, well at least he hadn't yet. 

Before Dean knew it his hand was on the door handle and he was inside the dungeon.  He was back in the same position he was that night sobbing once again though this time he would occasionally look at the wall where Castiel had been taken from him. 

The blonde heard footsteps from outside the door and he froze. Though he didn't care that much he wanted them to kill him he wanted to kill something in all honesty his emotions were a mess. 

"Dean…" Sam whispered through a small cry seeing his brother like that. "It's ok-" Though before Sam could get out the rest Dean pulled him down into a hug. 

"Let's go kick some ass," This caused Sam to give his brother a reassuring sad smile. 

Next thing the two of them knew it Michael was dead, Chuck was about to be and Jack was God. 

Dean had smiled, he had done it, and looking up into the clear sky he prayed to Castiel telling him that he had saved the world just for him. 

"To be killed by the ultimate killer Dean Winchester,"

"You see… That's not who I am," This caused Chuck to glance at Dean confused as the three of them left Chuck there dumbfounded. 

And Dean pulled out onto the dirt road and smiled for the first time in five days. "So Jack can you bring everyone back now that you're uh-"

"It's already done," He reassured, causing Dean to beam a smile and slam his hands on the steering wheel.

"Damn we did it," Sam and Dean were smiling at each other with looks of pride as Dean pulled over and leaned over and gave his brother a hug. 

Then he gave Jack a hug.

They didn't talk and after that they were on their way. 

Jack was still in the back seat when he scared the living shit out of Dean by screaming. "Holy cookie crunch I almost forgot!"

That's when Dean heard two flaps of wings in the back seat. 

"Hello Dean,"

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