"Still beautiful,"

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Dean knocked on the door impatiently and glanced begin homo the millionth time. Still there was no one following him. He sighed running a hand sown his face just about to knock again before the door burst open. 

He smiled at Jody standing in the doorway, he didn't even wait for her to say anything before he pushed past her hurriedly. 

"What is it?" She questioned cautiously feeling the fear bubbling up inside her. She thought all of this was over… That her boys were finally going to be happy.  After all that's what they agreed on at dinner the other day, she, had made her mean clam chowder, and found out about how Eileen and Sam were taking the next step in their relationship and how Dean was, applying for jobs.

"Sam found out he found out," Dean cried into his hands at the dining room table as he could feel her presence behind him. "I yelled at him during a fight when he accused me of not trying to have a normal life,"

"I told you he would find out," Jody whispered through a sigh. "You shouldn't hide here you should go to him,"

"No…" Dean whispered through a cry. "He doesn't understand that I-I can't do it without him,"

"It's going to be okay," She reassured as the blonde looked up at her with teary eyes. 

He didn't say anything, as he whipped his tears away shaking his head.

Jody sat down before Dean at her dining room table. She knew that this was bound to happen. She knew it the moment she had met Castiel… The moment she watched at their eye contact lingered and their hugs lasted longer. 

Jody had asked Dean about this, she had talked to him as well asking him about his feelings toward the angel. At first he was hesitant, and then one day he admitted that he might- bit he wasn't sure. 

Then the next day it was already to late. And now here Dean was weeks later. Still never coming clean to his brother… It wasn't that he didn't want to its that Dean Winchester wanted to be string for his brother and he definitely didn't want to break his brother's heart even more. 

Jody was the only one that knew. it was her mother intuition that told her. And weeks later here Dean was broken beyond repair. She couldn't blame him and was surprised he made it as long as he did.

He needed to tell his brother though.

Once Dean looked at her with teary eyes up close she could see how broken he was. She instantly pulled him into her embrace and let him cry into her shoulder. 

She had only seen him this vulnerable afew times and it broke her heart. After all this was practically her son and he deserved so much better.

So she let Dean be vulnerable in her arms. She was beyond greatful that he felt comfortable enough to come here for help. After all, there were some things that Dean didn't like to talk to his brother about… That was the same with every Brotherhood dynamic. 

"I'm going to get you some water and some food," Jody mumbled once they broke apart and Dean only sighed.


"I'm going to," She reassured going off toward the kitchen leaving Dean alone in his thoughts. 

Dean sat there with his face in his hands for what felt like an eternity. He hadn't slept in three weeks… Since- he couldn't even bring himself to think about what had happened.

He had froze. He froze at everything Castiel had told him. He couldn't comprehend it and then suddenly his best friend was dead. Dean couldn't believe his eyes. 

He wanted his best friend back. He didn't want to go on without him. After all if anyone deserved to live a happy life it was Castiel and not him. 

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