"Wine Glass,"

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"Hey how was work today?" Castiel questioned as Dean came into the kitchen still with his heavy boots on.

Though Castiel wanted to scold him for having them in the house he knew sometimes Dean could be forgetful.

Dean came up behind Castiel and wrapped his arms around him from behind. And didn't even steal any rolls which were right next to the where he was cooking.

"We really didn't get any calls today, just one Bout some girl getting stuck in a shopping cart,"

"And did she get out?"

"Yeah but she almost lost her finger," This caused Castiel to laugh as he turned around in his husband's arms.

This is how life has been since Castiel had come back from the empty. Dean and his angel become inseparable and get married on Valentine's day.

Their own fate had been decided, one that they were happy in.

"Tomorrow I'm making dinner," Dean piped up as Castiel grinned though became confused. The blonde always made dinner on wednesday there was no reason to out right say it.

"Oh and you're making something special?"

"I'm not sure..." Dean was grinning from ear to ear through a smirk.

"Dinner is done if you want to-" Dean ginned as he took a seat at the kitchen Island.

Castiel fixed two plates of pasta for them before plopping one in front of Dean and one in front of him.

They usually sat at the dining room table however Castiel smiled at the blonde. Maybe they needed to change things up a little bit.

After they talked and laughed for a little bit their dimmer was done. "You stink," Castiel laughed as Dean smelled himself still with his arms around the angel.

"You're right I probably need a shower I'll be back soon," with that Dean left up the stairs causing the raven-haired man to stare blankly at them.

Dean and him always showered together after dinner, and after they did the dishes and had a soap war together.

Castiel didn't know what had gotten into Dean but he was surely going to find out. He knew it probably had something to do with work though he prayed not because Dean loved his job and he loved helping people.

Once Castiel was done with the dishes he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where he saw Dean coming down the stairs in nothing but boxers.

It was the middle of the winter and he usually wore pants but Castiel didn't mind it one bit.

"Are you alright Dean?" Castiel questioned glancing the blonde over. Dammit he always lost thought when looking at Dean.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know," The raven-haired man explained back as Dean only laughed as the blue-eyed man gave him a glass of wine.

It was when Dean held the glass of wine that the raven-haired man knew.

"I'm going to take a shower then we can watch our show alright," Dean nodded leaning back into the couch as Castiel scurried away.

The raven-haired man took a fast shower, and then quickly put on his pajamas before rummaging through his bedside table.

He gasped running to Dean's side and seeing it empty as well. He checked under all their pillows. So his last resort was the bottom of the closet.

Castiel smiled as he found an old gun in the bottom, He knew this wasn't a demon so he kept the demon blade down there. Thank Jack they had three stashes of weapons.

Speaking of Jack he was supposed to come by tomorrow- oh right not the time to talk about that.

"Hey Cas what are you doing?" Dean questioned from behind Castiel causing him to gulp as he hid the gun behind his back turning toward whatever his husband was.

"I'm trying to find my socks I thought I dropped them,"

"Oh," Dean laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Dean glanced over Castiel in his led zeppelin shirt and plaid pajama pants and bean to lick his lips. As Castiel searched the closet he began to pray to Jack.

And just like that there was a whoosh of wind.

"Hello Dean," Jack smiled waving his hand though that's when his smile faded he was god after all and he could see right through everything. "Cas now!"

Castiel was behind Dean pointing the gun at him waiting to pull the trigger though he couldn't do it.

"Cas... What is Jack talking about?" Though Jack used his powers to throw Dean against the wall.

"Where is Dean you shifter!" Jack all in but demanded causing tears to cloud Castiel's eyes he should have known this sooner.

"He was trying to be a hero in a world that's already been saved! We're not terrible you can live with with us here!" The shifter promised.

"Do you kill humans?"


"Then no," Suddenly that's when Jack began to hurt the shifter.

"Cas please get him to stop it hurts," The shifter pleaded, breaking Castiel's heart.

"Tell us where Dean is," Castiel mumbled through a sigh. "Then maybe we'll let you go,"

"He's right behind you," That's when Castiel turned around only to gasp at what he saw.

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