"Learning how to human,"

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Jack was twenty two years old… Well at least he looked like it however really he was just a baby. Dean called him the baby stuck in an adults body. Castiel got mad at him for that and he never said it again. Though Jack had learned a lot with the Winchesters he was just still learning. 

And team Free will didn't have much experience with babies.

"So I don't eat toothpaste?"

"How do I button this?"


"What's a calorie?"

"What's an emoji?"

"Omg I love Emojis!"

"Can tacos really kill you?"

"I want a cat,"

"Why can't I have cookie crunch for dinner?" Jack complained through a groan. "People on TV do it!"

Castiel was doing a fine Job at teaching Jack everything he needed to know along with Dean. 

"Where were you Jack?" Dean questioned his arms crossed. 

"On a walk," The nephilim shrugged.

"You didn't tell anyone we were worried about you," Dean explained as Jack glanced away. 

"I told Cas,"

"You lier!" Castiel exclaimed turning around in his chair and causing Jack to gasp. 

"Dean told me to get what I wanted, I had to lie! And I wanted to go on a walk at night and see the stars!"

"We would have let you go," Castiel reassured though Dean glanced at him. 

"No we wouldn't, it's dangerous!" Dean exclaimed turning toward Castiel. 

"Hey what can I say I'm an overprotective father," Castiel shrugged. 

"I wish you never found out that cereal is bad for me!" Jack exclaimed through a cry. 

"You take that back!" Cas exclaimed causing Jack to shake his head. 

"No!" That's when Jack left causing Dean to glare at Castiel. 

"I think you're being too hard on him,"

"No I-"

"I promised that I would never be like my own father-"

"You're not Jack's father none of us are!" Castiel explained causing Dean to become hurt as he slid out of his chair. 

"When you need human advice for Jack you're going to have to figure it out on your own," With that Dean stormed off to his and Castiels room leaving the angel there dumbfounded. 

The angel decided that it was best to leave Dean some time alone… After all he was a bear after being woken up but also when he hadn't slept in awhile as well. 

After hours of waiting, almost ten at night, Castiel decided it was time for him go apologize before Dean went to bed so that he wouldn't have to go to sleep angry.

"Dean I-" Though when Castiel walked into the dark room he found two shadows asleep in the bed. 

The big spoon he recognized as Dean and the small one as Jack. 

Dean smiled at the two of them as he climbed into the bed. Dean let out a groan. "I'm still mad at you Cas," He murmured, wrapping his arms around the other two in the bed. 

"It doesn't seem like it,"

"Screw you,"

"Maybe I shouldn't be here," Jack mumbled, going to grab his talking teddy and leave, however Castiel pulled him back down. 

"You can stay,"

"He had a nightmare and I was helping him," Dean explained causing Castiel to smile. 

"Listen I may have been too hard on you Jack I'm sorry!" Castiel apologized through a sigh. "I'm just worried I only want the best for you,"

"Can I eat cookie crunch for dinner?"

"Well if Dean can have pie for all meals of the day then I guess-"

"Thank you!" Suddenly Jack was choking Castiel in a hug from behind. 

"I love you Cas,"

"I love you too Jack,"

"Hey what about me?"

"We love you too," that's when Dean smiled and the three of them fell asleep together, all nuzzled up and cozy. 

That being how Sam found them the next morning. He would have joined them however the bed simply wasn't big enough for all of them.

After all he was one giant moose of an uncle- though he couldn't be happier.

Team free will couldn't be happier. 

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