"Think about this,"

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“You’re not making any sense just stop for a minute and think about this!” Sam exclaimed trying to drag his brother back by the arm. However Dean wasn’t having any of this as he was already halfway up the bunkers stairs.

“There's nothing to think about,” Dean hollered back already out the bunkers door as Sam only sighed chasing after him with his hands thrown up in the air. Though Dean didn’t make it very far as standing next to his car was Eileen.

“Dammit! What the hell is this guys I told you I’m-”

“You’re not fine Dean you haven’t been since Cas alright! You’re not thinking clearly!”

“Don’t! Alright don’t! You don’t get to say his name when you don’t seem to care that he’s gone! And that-”

“It’s over Dean the world is saved… Jack told us that the empty can’t be taken down,”

“What happened to there's always a way? What happened to never giving a damn about the circumstances? He’s still a threat to the world!”

“Snap the hell Dean! The empty does no harm, it's only for angels!”

“Something with that much power could do anything that it wanted,” The blonde pointed out pulling the impalas keys from his pocket. “It’s just like lilith Sam making deals and pushing angels into their death some like Jack that are half human-”

“Dammit Dean enough alright I can’t let you do this!” Sam exclaimed, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. “It’s too dangerous!”

Dean didn’t say anything as he froze in his footsteps. Though after a second he quickly walked out his brother's touch and tried to get past Eileen however she kneed him in the gut. “Sorry… This is for your own good,” She apologized and then after that Dean felt a blow to the face and that was the last thing he remembers.

“Ah you’re awake,” Sam mumbled from the dungeons table as he was reading a book.

“Sam,” Dean choked out going to rub his throbbing head however his arms were tied up it was then that he became alert. “Dammit Sammy what the hell did you do?”

“This was for your own good Dean!” Sam exclaimed slamming his book down onto the table. “In the past ten hours that you’ve been sleeping Elieen and I have found a way to kill the empty,”

Dean scoffed, glancing at his brother like he was crazy. “Oh yeah how?”

“By summoning him and stabbing him with… That,” Sam pointed to a stick that Eileen was holding as she walked in.

“Really? Looks like something similar to-”

“What we used to kill dick exactly, in the lore it says that the leviathan and the empty are close cousins- leviathan bleed black goo and the empty well that’s basically all that it is,”

“Holy shit Sam untie me-”

“You have to promise that you’ll let us help you and that you won’t do anything-”

“Untie me!” Dean all in but roared as Sam quickly got to work on the rope notes as Eileen began to draw some sort of symbol on the wall in blood.

Once Sam untied Dean he let out a puff of air. “Alright ask the empty for Cas get Cas kill the empty got it,”  Sam explained to the other two in the room as Dean only chuckled.

“That’s been the plan all along Sammy,” and then after a couple seconds of Eileen finishing her drawings the empty emerged from the wall in a thick black goo.

Though this time instead of morphing into Meg she looked like a certain angle.

“No,” Dean all in but choked.

“You’re the most caring man-” The empty began to speak causing Dean’s eyes to go wide as he couldn’t even listen to the rest. “I love you-” Though before the empty could finish Dean was holding the stick to the empty stomach.

“Dean don’t,” The empty cried still sounding like Cas. “You’ll never save me if you do this,”

This hurt Dean in so many ways that he was almost on the verge of falling his knees beyond weak.

Suddenly Sam came up behind Dean and shoved the stick into Cas causing Dean to scream and let out a sob as he watched the empty explode and die right in front of them.

“W-What no…” Dean was sobbing as suddenly the realization hit him and he turned toward his brother. “Sam what the hell!” Dean called it but shouted. “You STUPID SON OF A BITCH WHAT ABOUT CAS!”

“Hello Dean,” Someone said from behind him and that’s when Dean practically had a heart attack because he knew that voice.

“We contacted Jack and while we had the empty summoned and distracted he was able to get Cas back,” Sam explained, causing everything in Dean’s heart to go to mush.

As the first thing Dean did was turn around and pull the angel into his arms. “Welcome home Cas,”

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