"This is it,"

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“I’m not going anywhere I want you to know that,” Castiel reassured Dean as the blonde could only munster a nodding of head too tired to even say a work much less make eye contract with his angel.

Even though they had saved the world, defeated many big bads including God. Dean Winchester could never be happy. Because he would always be plagued by the nightmares of his past. Thus, he would never be able to escape him, everytime he got close he was always dragged right back in.

“This is how it starts,” Dean murmured to Castiel his eyes going wide and filling with fear.

Castiel had decided that the only way for Dean to face his fears was to fight them head on. And what better way to do this than to bring him to the scene of his dreams. “No… No that’s where,” Dean began to point and sob ecstatically.

That’s when Castiel knew that this was a terrible idea. He didn’t know what went wrong however, Dean had never been one to cry over things at least not when faced with potential danger. He also has known that in the past Dean has been one to hit his fears head on to try and avoid them getting worse.

This seemed like the perfect plan. And yet he failed again. Castiel could feel the tears in his eyes at the sight of his hunter crying. “I’m sorry,” Castiel apologized through a sniffle. “I thought this would help you-” Though before he could finish his sentence Dean pulled him into his arms.

“I’m not going to let you leave me… Not again,”

“Dean I love you of course I’m not going to leave you,”

“I want all of this to be over,” He pleaded, however Castiel knew that he wasn’t pleading to him that he was just pleading to himself.

“You deserve to live Dean and I’m going to show you that,” Castiel reassured causing Dean to glance down at him through teary eyes as he pulled the angel into his arms tightly crushing him in his grip never wanting to let go.

“I love you too Cas,”

After that Dean still had the same nightmare every night, Castiel still always there to comfort him… To watch over him and protect him. The blonde still didn’t know what the hell the angel whispered to him in enochian.

He hoped that it wasn’t something stupid like “you’re being a wimp but I love you anways,” Though Dean didn’t mind it because every time he had a nightmare he got pie for breakfast and Cas by his side.

Guess he really is winning at life huh.

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