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"I don't want to go, but if it means saving you then I'll do it a thousand times," Those words rang Dean's ears as the blonde could feel the romance pain in his back and the blood gradually creeping up his throat. 

He held onto his baby brother for dear life desperately trying to smile at him one last time.
"If Cas were here-"

"He's not," Sam glanced at Dean sadly, tears streaming down his cheeks as the eldest Winchester shook his head letting out a cry in pain. "He's never coming back,"

Sam watched for a split second Dean struggle his heavy breaths and the look of brokenness in his eyes. 

"You're not- you're not allowed to go,"

"Tell me it's ok,"

Sam did not respond turning away from Dean and letting out a sob. Thus utterly broke Dean's heart as he could feel hull ice slipping away from him. 

The last thing he wanted was to leave his brother alone in this world. Especially after he had spent his entire life protecting him. 

"Another nightmare?" Castiell questioned from the side of Dean's bed. 

It had been one week since Dean's near death, he was about to be sent to heaven before Castiel swooped in. His near death experience sent Jack on a rampage and caused him to have enough power life before it awakened Castiel from the empty. 

Jack was still trying his best not to become Chuck and alter anything human, though thankfully Castiel was not. 

Castiel was back in his right place in the chair besides Dean's bed. Often times he would appear when Dean added him and other timed he would stay and watch over the Hunter the entire night. 

This week Dean hasn't gone a night without being watched over. 

Though he was thankful for that… Having his Guardian angel there watching over him caused him to feel much safer while he slept. 

Though it never took his nightmares away. 

Castiel went over to Dean whispering sift enochian to him, causing him to stir awake. Dean nodded his head pulling the angel by his trench coat and gripping him tightly. 

Once Dean was back to being calm Castiel stopped whispering his enochian and knew that he didn't have to hide his powers on the hunter which Dean hated. He went to move away from
him however Dean pulled him back. 

"Please stay Cas," Dean murmured through sniffles, his voice rough and barely audible. 

"Are you sure?" Castiel questioned not wanting to invade Dean's personal space. 

"I'm sure," After that Castiel climbed into Dean's bed where the Hunter patted it softly. 

Thing had been back to the way that they were before Castiel died however Dean was healing he didn't seem as broken anymore as the days went on as soon as he knew Cas is beside him everything is better.

He's still scared and terrified but he's healing. He is calm now, no longer terrified for the end of the world.

"I'm so happy you came back to me," Dean murmured his face basically buried in Castiel. "Because… I-I never got to say it back,"

"Dean what are you-"

"I love you too Cas," And that's when Castiel radiated the most happiness he's ever felt besides the night he had died shattering the light above them his powers going crazy.

"I love you too Dean… I always have,"

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