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"What was that for?" Dean questioned in confusion he loved when Castiel kissed him but he didn't understand why the angel would kiss his bloody wrapped hand since he had never done it before. 

"Since I don't have powers I thought this would make it feel better," Castiel mumbled tilting his head to the side something that Dean found adorable every time the angel did. 

"Thank you Cas but I think it was two, one to feel better and one for luck," The blonde jokes though face palming himself realizing that Castiel would actually do it. 

"Three, I heard that it's the charm," This caused Dean to burst out laughing, forgetting about the pain in his hand. 

He sought his arm over Castiel's shoulders as the angel leaned into his side as they walked back towards the car. 

And in his laughs Dean could feel his hand begin to sting less. 

Maybe three times was the charm. 

Dean tossed Sam the keys. "Don't hurt her,"

"You're really going to let me drive?" Sam asked amused he knew that Castiel had control over Dena but never this much. 

Sam had tagged along with them after not hinting together for months now. A weekend off and together like their old lives was something much needed. 

He knew that he was going to be the third wheel and yet he still hated it with a damn passion. Once he heard the soft snores of the two from the back seat he let out a puff of air. Finally he would be able to play what music he wanted.

Though just as his song was getting good he heard a groan from the back seat. "Oh hell no,"


"I didn't pull the baby out of retirement to play this crap!"

"He's fine, Sam play what you want," Castiel reassured as that's when the brown haired man smiled at his friend. 

Damn Castiel really did have control over his brother. 

Sam smiled widely, speeding down the road, the music playing low in the car. He adored this car and hasn't realized how much he had missed it until now. 

After all this car would always be him and Dean's first home. 

He parked the car in his driveway and got out as Eileen greeted him. He had a shiny ring on her finger, one in which was blinding against the sun.

Sam pulled her right into his arms. Damn he wished that she could have come however she had to work yesterday. 

Though they both had smiles on their faces, another hunt was successful. No more the end of the world. 

Things were perfect.

"Do you have it?" Eileen nodded through a smile pulling out the air horn.

Slowly Sam opened up the door Dean and Cas weren't leaning against.  Sam quickly took a picture of Cas spooning Dean in the backseat. Sam didn't know his the hell the two of them fit back there much less comfortably. 

Eileen then pushed the air horn causing Dean to jump up and point his gun at her and Cas to let out a scream falling onto the floor of the car.

"Relax!" Sam exclaimed.


"I needed to get you up so you can drive your ass home,"

"Fuck yo-"

"Dean!" Cas scolded, hitting his lover in the arm. "That is no way to talk to your brother instead call him an assbutt,"

"Hey!" Suddenly Eileen was blowing the air horn at them again. 

"What the hell do you guys say about us when we're not around,"

"You're lovely Eileen however this moose here nit so-"

"Oh yeah at least I'm not a squirrel,"

"At Least I'm not a lumberjack," Castiel piped in, causing the two brothers to glare at him.

"Y'know what you guys can have your prank war tomorrow but right now I missed this moose so I'm going to have to steal him away," Eileen pulled him through a huff. 

The boys knew not to mess with her. 

Dean held out his arms to hug his brother and Sam accepted. They were never mad at eachother it was always a joke and all four of them knew this. 

They also all knew that Dean and Castiel were inseparable. 

And that nothing would ever break their little family apart.

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