"Falling into place,"

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"You're my big win Cas," Dean pulls fists of Castiel's trench coat so that they were even closer even though that was almost impossible. 

You couldn't even slide a piece of paper in between them. 

"I love you," And just as Dean was leaning in for his lips to meet the angels an alarm began to go off. Dean pushed away from Cas glancing around the bunker there was no blinking red-

That's when the blonde woke up painting in bed. "Son of a bitch," He whispered, petting Miracle softly. 

Miracle and Sam were the only things keeping him living. And Eileen and Jody but sometimes the girls teased him a little too much. 

Dean smiled at his brother as he watched intently as Sam made breakfast. Every waking moment he wasn't doing something his thoughts were on a certain trench coated angel he just couldn't help it.

His last words to him played over and over in his mind. It was no doubt to Dean that Castiel had known about this for a long time- that he had loved him back for a long time. 

Dean slammed his hand on the table and walked out of the kitchen leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath. Every day he regretted not telling the angel how he really felt- it was his defense mechanism never getting close to anyone. 

Because everyone around him dies and now his angel had to go to the empty- the angel hell unmaking of his feelings for him. 

Dean prayed to Castiel after his death, the one and only time he did so. Multiple times he wanted too but he had given up.

There was no way the angel could hear him in the empty- there was no way that Castiel would ever come back to him. No matter how many days his jacket went without being washed, or how long he listened to his copy of the mixtape he gave Cas or how many times he stared at the chair beside he bed or at the wall of the dungeon. 

He was never coming back and Dean had to accept that. 

But he couldn't. 

He'd rather die- even if that meant leaving his brother. 

His brother was safe now- and that's all Dean ever had to accomplish in life. 

"Dean, open up!" Sam exclaimed for the millionth time suddenly Jack appeared behind him. 

"Allow me," That's when Jack opened the door with his powers and they saw Dean on the floor with a knife in his hand and blood around him. 

"Dean!" Sam roared. 

"No!" Jack exclaimed in distress as suddenly that's when the lights above the Winchesters went out and a huge wave of power hit them like rocks to the face.

Suddenly in one swift motion Jack fixed the lights hid eyes glowing with sadness as he went over to Dean and healed him. 

"No… You don't understand I want to-" Dean stopped mid sentence getting choked up on a sob and staring at someone behind Jack. 

"Cas," Sam breathed. "Damn Dean you always get Jack angry enough to become more powerful… Too soon?" Jack nodded as Dean got up on shaky legs and collapsed in Castiel's arms.

"You're my big win Cas," Dean pulls fists of Castiel's trench coat so that they were even closer even though that was almost impossible. 

You couldn't even slide a piece of paper in between them. 

"I love you," Castiels eyes glowed a sudden blue as behind him im the shadows they could see his wings as power radiated. 

Castiel was truly happy, and so was, Dean. 

"Welcome home Cas," Castiel smiled at Dean's words as this became the one of the happiest days of Dean and Castiels lives. 

Once their lips locked together, things finally fell into place. 

The way that they should have always been. 

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