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Sam had caught onto Castiel one day.

The moment the angle turned around, he saw the fallen soldier of god break under his gaze. He hadn’t meant to ruin anything or cause any harm. He just happened to live in the bunker as well.

“As I was saying Cas that’s not how you do that,” Dean shook his head through a sigh. “How the hell have we never put you in boots before,”

“Perhaps it’s that I can’t tie my shoes,” The angel shrugged never glancing back at Sam who still stood there behind them his mouth gaped open wordless.

“I didn’t know that!” Dean exclaimed through a chuckle staring down and laughing at how Castiel had attempted to “tie the laces”. “You’ve been on this earth millions of years and yet you don’t know how to tie a shoe-”

“I’m sorry I’m the one who has been fighting heavens wars for billions of years,” Dean and Castiel began to bicker with one another acting completely as if this happens often and that they’ve been married for years now.

The angel heard Sams footsteps inch closer behind them as he gulped. “Dean what the hell!” Sam exclaimed causing the blonde to glance at his brother confused.

“What Sammy?” The blonde glanced up from Castiels shoes through a grin. “Have you seen the way Cas tried to-” Dean Winchester always showed off the funny things Cas did to people like the angel was an adorable puppy.

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!” Suddenly the youngest Winchester was becoming angry. He didn’t know what the angel was doing to his brother. Even though he trusted Castiel with his life, he knew that messing with someone’s mind was a dangerous game.

“I just erased his memory it’s not a big deal,” Castiel shrugged causing Dean’s eyes to widen.

“You what-” However before the eldest Winchester got out the rest Castiel was placing two fingers to his forehead causing him to fall to the ground with a thump into a deep sleep.

“Cas what the hell!” Sam exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

“Listen I can explain!” The angel reassured trying to calm the younger Winchester, however Sam gave him a bitch face.


“I’m here,” Jack waved, popping up beside them. “Why was I called,”

“CAS LOVES DEAN!”  Sam gasped, looking as though he was about to faint.

“I thought everyone knew this?” Jack mumbled with his head tilted to the side confused.

“What the hell? Cas!” Sam exclaimed causing the angel to blush.

“I’ve been… What do you call it nervous! So every time I finally tell him I erase his mind-”

“You can’t do that!” Sam exclaimed through a facepalm.

“Why can’t he? Cas you’re doing great,” Jack reassured, patting his shoulder.

“DEAN NEEDS TO KNOW!" San exclaimed. "And if you're not going to tell him I will,"

"I-alright… I'll tell him," Castiel reassured through a nervous gulp. "He should be waking up soon,"

"I'll wake him up!" Jack exclaimed and before Castiel could say anything Dean's eyes began to flutter open. 

He let it a groan rubbing the sleep out of them. "What happened?"

"Cas said something to you and you got so excited you passed out,"

"What did he say?" Dean questioned confused getting up and off the ground. 

"I love you," And fight, at those words Dean's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out backwards.

"I didn't do it this time!" Castiel exclaimed putting his hands up in defense. 

This caused Jack to laugh as Sam glared and quickly went to help his brother. 

What the hell.

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