"Chuck dies,"

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This was it for Dean and he knew that much as he led toward the impala not even making it there before he collapsed.  

Jack was at his side within the minute, trying to help him up however he was too weak as well. Defeating Chuck had taken all of his power- killing Chuck had taken all of his power.  

Chuck had beaten the holy hell out of them, Sam he laid unconscious not far from Dean who was trying to get to the medical supplies in the trunk. 

"This is my fault I should have thought to heal you first," Jack mumbled sympathetically though through blood Dean smiled.  

He reached up a hand and cupped Jack's face in his hand. All he saw was Cas.  

"You did great kid," Was all Dean got out through his smile as Jack smiled back though it quickly faded. 

"Are you going to be okay- should I get someone-" Though as Jack said this Dean was weaving in and out of consciousness. 

Though the smile never left his face.  

I did this for you Cas.  

That being how Dean woke up in a hospital room alone. "Sam…" Was Dean's first though as he instantly sat up in bed though he let out a groan in pain as he did so.  

Next thing he knew a nurse was coming in. "Where's my brother Sam," 

"Oh you're awake!" She jumped up in surprise. "He's alright he just got out of surgery," 


"Yes the two of you broke many bones some of which needed surgery," 

His mouth formed an O as he glanced around the room once again. Though as his eyes landed on the door it opened revealing Jack.

Though Jack had a hospital gown on, and an all to familiar trench-coat over it. 

"Cas," Dean croaked out, his eyes filling with tears.  

"I take it you want to be alone with your father?" Jack nodded giving the nurse a small smile as she soon left. 

"Where did you get that?" Dean all in but demanded trying to get out of bed however Jack ushered him back into bed. 

"Cas he gave it to me but listen he can't-" 

"I can't heal you anymore," A voice murmured sadly from the doorway. "Jack got me back but now I'm human," 


"I prayed to him to tell him to take out his grace. The empty can't have humans," Jack shrugged as Dean beamed a wide smile ruffling Jack's hair.  

"That's my boy," Dean went to get out of bed to give Castiel a giant hug, however he couldn't feel his leg.  

"Your leg is broken, you have bruised ribs and lungs, they had to put your shoulder back into place and you have a broken nose and a concussion along with a broken arm," Jack explained.  

"Sounds about right," 

"Dean I'm sorry I can't heal you and I'm sorry about the deal," 

"Well we're all here now so what the hell does it matter," Dean mumbled through a smirk as he felt and surely looked like hell. He could barely see out of one of his eyes and knew that it probably wasn't pretty. "Though that doesn't make you less of a stupid son of a bitch dammit Cas if you just told us we could have figured it out… Together," 

"Cas you're taking the blame for this because it was your idea not to tell them not mine," Jack mumbled through a laugh as Castiel only glared at him. 

"I'm glad to be back even though I have go deal with annoying human behaviors I can say one thing for certain I love the both of you," 

"I love you too Cas," Dean smiled as Jack wrapped the newly human in a hug.  

"We did it," Jack smiled, jumping up and down.

"We did it," Cas agreed as his eyes locked with Dean's shining with admiration.  

"Hey what did I miss?" Sam questioned from the doorway in a wheelchair with an IV behind him. 

Dean took this opportunity to pull Cas toward him by the tie and kiss him hard across the lips.  

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