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"I'm not going anywhere Dean," And just hearing those words coming out of the angel's lips caused Dean to let out a sob he didn't know he was keeping in hugging his raven-haired Guardian tightly. 

Afraid of letting go, knowing that last time he had he almost lost him.

"I can't lose you again… I won't,"

"You won't Dean- besides there aren't too many monsters left,"

"Enough to worry about, " Dean pointed out causing Castiel to frown and pull away from Dean a tad to get a good look in his eyes.

"I'm sure it's nothing the man who saved the world can't handle,"

"You almost died,"

"It wasn't that close-"

"Are you sure because I saw him have that angel blade pretty close to your neck," The blonde mumbled through a growl. "He was, on top of you that-"

"I'm yours Dean what does it matter?" Castiel questioned through a groan Sam had taught him a trick or two to get out of how concerning and over protective Dean was. 

However sometimes Castiel liked how protective Dean was. After all it caused him to be a soft and cuddly teddy bear. The angel let out a scoff in his head every time he thought about how people including God viewed him as the ultimate killer. 

He wears Scooby doo boxers and hot dog pajama pants. Though Castiel can't lie the pajama pants are pretty comfy. 

"Besides we saved two people," Castiel shrugged, pulling the keys from Dean's butt pocket. "Wouldn't you call that a win?"

"You're not leaving my sight angel,"

Castiel laughed in his head, Dean says this every time. Though he smiled knowing that he loved Dean and that he never wanted him to change. 

He was perfect. 

"Dean please let me go,"

"What if I don't wanna?" Dean questioned through a pout as this only caused Castiel to shake his head through a laugh. 

"I'm trying to make tea,"

"And I'm trying to cuddle," This caused Castiel to let out a puff of air and laugh. "Can it wait five minutes?"

Dean shook his head through a pout as Castiel only laughed kissing his cheek and turning around in his arms. 

Castiel after pouring his tea turned around back to Dean holding his hand. He then kissed his lovers hand, healing the small slice on it that he hadn't noticed probably from the hunt. 

They were both nice and clean from a shower, Castiel in Dean's hot dog pajamas and an AC/ DC shirt. 

Dean unwrapped his arms from around the angel. "Y'know what I'm going to eat some pie," The blonde wanted to leave his angel alone and let him make his tea however Castiel pulled him back. 

"Who told you you could stop?"

"I thought you needed to make your tea,"

"Well I changed my mind," Dean smiled at Castiel's words as they simply stood in the kitchen hugging one another.

Knowing that neither of them were going to leave eachother any time soon.

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