"Wine glass," Part two

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Dean Winchester always held his wine glass at the stubby thinner part. The part in which it wasn't proper to hold it… Society never really said why Castiel always just assumed it was because of it being the most fragile part of the glass. Either way he didn't care how anyone held their drink much less Dean, since he adored the man. 

Thankfully his goofball of a husband wasn't normal and didn't do things the way that most people would accomplish them. Though that's what makes him the unique Dean Winchester. After all, being normal is boring. 

He knew that he wasn't normal and that if his husband was normal then he would have never known that it wasn't him. 

He would have never known that he had spent three hours with an imposter. 

Castiel glanced behind him confused knowing that the shifter had told him- then he noticed it. Something that he should have noticed before, the blood on the wall. 

Dammit he was so distracted getting a weapon and not acting suspicious he completely forgot that Dean could be anywhere. Even tied up somewhere around the house. 

Dammit Dean was right, he did suck at being a hunter. And even if his husband had meant it in the nicer way possible and didn't want to lie to him Castiel knew that it was right.

However, that wouldn't stop him from getting Dean back. They promised each other that nothing would ever separate them again and he was bound to keep that promise. 

"Tell me where he is, son of a bitch!" Suddenly Castiel did something that shocked the both of them slapping the shifter hard across the face.

"I love it when you take after me Cas," Dean whispered in a low husky voice though Castiel knew that wasn't his Dean and that his husband needed him now more than ever and so did this town he was a much needed firefighter. 

A hero. 

"I can't read his mind he's not thinking anything,"

"I told you Cas… He's right behind you- well at least his blood is,

"Assbutt!" Castiel exclaimed storming out of the room and into the hall where he began to pace it, tears forming in his eyes at the sight of the blood. 

Then an idea came to mind, Castiel quickly began to pray to Jack telling him where he was going. 

Castiel went outside to Dean's truck opening the door and searching for anything that may lead him to where he might be. 

He noticed a certain pair of keys in the cup holder. 

Castiel opened up the garage and pulled the brown sheet off of the car. There he saw Dean in the front seat tied to the steering wheel eyes going wide at the light. 

"Cas!" Dean exclaimed once the Blue-eyed man opened the door and took the duck tape off Dean's mouth. 

"There was a shifter Dean and I-" Though Cas got cut off by a pair of lips. 

"I'm so happy to see you I was going to surprise you with a walk around the park tonight and some ice cream and we were going to take baby and next thing I knew I was tied up in here I…" Dean's voice became shaky. "I don't want the past to happen again,"

"It won't Dean I promise Jack killed the shifter and now you get to sleep and have a warm shower how does that sound?"

Once Dean was out of the ropes he clung onto the angel. "Not without you,"

"This is never going to happen again Dean...  I'm not going to leave you,"

"I love you so much angel,"

"I love you too bee,"

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