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Castiel wanted to push him away, he knew the chances of what could happen and yet he didn't. He was too weak to push Dean awahy, after all he had finally confessed his love to him, things felt different now- better. 

Castiel was relieved that his feelings were finally known to the universe… That Dean finally knew. 

Dean didn't was to let go of the angel either, he knew that it would be their last. He didn't want his best friend… The one that loved him to leave him. He wanted to make sure that the angel knew- that Castiel knew that he could have him.

Though when Dean went to g say it back no words came out as he was frozen in shock. Of course the blonde knew how he felt yet he had no idea that the angel had been feeling the same way. Dammit they would  have done this a lot sooner if he had known this and wasn't such a scaredy cat. 

Debate could feel his words getting caught in his throat as he made an effort to show Cas some sort if affection before the empty creeped behind them however it seemed as though his brain wasn't connected to the rest of his body as his body wasn't following what he wanted it to do. 

"Don't… Don't do this Cas," He thought that if he finally got out those words then Castiel wouldn't be happy leaving him that he would stay and still still be with him just a little whole longer for them to figure things out. 

However Castiel shook his head. He knew that there was no stopping this. "Goodbye Dean,"  that's when Billy burst in the door and the sickening goo of the empty could be heard behind Dean sending chills down his spine. 

Dean held onto Castiel tighter, and then felt as they were wicked away from each other. The hunters ice flashed before his eyes as suddenly that's when he realized that he no longer had Castiel in his arms- and that he was left in the dark. 

The empty. 

Dean got excited for a second knowing that he was in the empty with Castiel. That he was Han that he wasn't supposed to be here. That he could save him. 

So the blonde began his search, he didn't know where he was going and had never imagined the empty being this large. However he did know that he wasn't going to give up until he found Castiel. 

Dean spent every waking moment walking through the darkness, shouting Castiel's name constantly. Though at one point he became desperate to find the angel- he was going insane being alone on this endless darkness. 

"Cas! Cas? Castiel! ANYONE?" Though no one ever responded and this is how Dean spent every day. 

Until one faithful day he heard footsteps from behind him. He began to shout to them unknowing of who they were however he then saw someone come out of the shadows. 

"Cas? CAS!"

"YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!" He shouted angrily black goo coming out of his eyes, mouth , nose and ears as suddenly he exploded and what was left standing there was empty. 

"WHERE'S CAS!" He noticed the empty hated his loudness so he continued it. 

Dean let out a scream chasing the empty to cover its ears and sink to the ground as suddenly that's when Dean realized they were now surrounded by sleeping people. 


Dean continued screaming until the Angels woke up. He told them to scream with him and once one of them started that's when they all followed. 

Then the empty collapsed holding its ears and then exploded.

And all the angels were left there dumb founded- and free as the darkness began to turn to light. Though Dean didn't care all he cared about was getting to Castiel.

"Cas! Castiel?" He shouted pushing through the angels. 

That's when he saw him, with his trench coated back to him. "Cas?"

"Dean?" The angel was beyond shocked to see his favorite human and yet somewhat relieved as Dean ran to him pulling him close by the trench coat and kissing him.

"I love you," Dean whispered fiddling around with Castiel's trench coat. 

"I love you too,"

Suddenly Dean felt something in the Angels trench coat. "You kept it?" Dean asked hope filling his eyes at the sight of the mixtape he had given the angel of so long ago. 

"It was the first and best gift I had ever received," He reassured through a wide smile as Dean kissed his smile away. 

After that the two of them got out of there, freed to earth where Sam was waiting. Where they saved the world from Chuck.

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