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Dean was stuck in an endless nightmare replaying over and over again and again.

Him and Castiel snuggled up by a cabin's fire. It was perfect, their body heat along with the fire keeping them warm on a cold glistening night. 

They were deep in the woods, he knew this by the sounds of the wolf's in the distance. Castiel and him and wrapped up tightly in the angels trench coat, as the blonde had his head resting in the angles shoulder. 

They were loving every minute of this peacefulness. Though the two of them knew that it couldn't last.

They would never be happy for too long. 

"I love you," Castiel would murmur as Dean watched the fire crackle in front of them as the angel ran fingers through his hair. 

And then next thing he knew they were running, Dean's boot was untied and Castiel's trench coat was in his hand.

They were bolting through the trees something obviously chasing them. "I'll keep you safe," Dean would always reassure a flustered Castiel who was newly human. 

Though that never seemed to assure him, the angel never did like Dean saying this. After all it only meant him getting hurt. 

Though Dean Winchesters dream would always end the same. 

Him being unable to fulfill his promise. 

Dean never knew that his dream would become a reality. After all that only happened wit his brother because he was, special well or so he thought. Dean and Castiel were husbands looking for a way to satisfy their old hunting craze by going out on weekends. 

And what better did they have to do this Saturday than chase a bunch of vampires. 

Though that's how they ended up behind some bushes in the woods. "You shouldn't have done that," Dean all in but cried out glancing at the claw mark across Castiel's face. 

"Better than you," He reassured staring around in the distance nervously. 

"At Least we got warm in the cabin," Dean tried to reassure him though it didn't do much good.

"Atleast it's not too cold," Castiel reassured through a sigh. 

"I can't see them," Dean mumbled peaking through the bush. "Do you think they're gone?"

Castiel didn't say anything and Dean was glad he didn't want him too. He knew who this was going to end up and he knew that he should have told the raven-haired man sooner. Dammit telling him infront of that fireplace ruined it. 

"I'm not going to die," Castiel reassured taking Dean's hand in his. "We're going to be fine dreams change,"

"Not this one," Dean mumbled through a sigh ad that's when they heard twigs snap in the distance. 

"I won't leave you Dean I promise," Though once the words escaped Castiels lips he knew he had no way of keeping that promise. 

Every night Dean went to sleep it kept getting realer and realer and this was matching into every last detail. So like a true Winchester he decided that it was time to do a little fate changing. 

"Stay behind me," He ordered the angel chasing him to nod. 

That being how the two of them could be found running around the woods the entire night. "I can't climb a tree," Castiel mumbled as Dean groaned it was the only place he knew that would be safe to get a little sleep. 

They could barely see there was no way in hell they were getting out of the woods tonight. 

"They're going to find us here," Dean mumbled glancing around though he couldn't even see a foot infront of him that's how dark it was. 

"We don't really have a choice do we," And that's how the two of them woke up the next morning in the bushes. 

"So the full moons over which means-"

"We survived!" Castiel explained wrapping Dean im a hug through a yawn. 

"We did," Dean mumbled through a content sigh, though it then turned into one of dispair. 

"Yeah but listen Cas… Maybe we shouldn't-"

"We're hunting," Castiel interjected. "It doesn't matter how much we get hurt we're not dying anytime soon we're the guys that saved the world remember,"

"I know but I was worried and-"

"You're always worried and they call that an overprotective husband,"

"Over protective my ass," And that's ahem the two of the most leaned down and their lips locked. 

Best morning ever. 

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