"40 years later,"

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Dean awoke in a sweat. 

He knew this day would come. He had felt it the moment it had happened. So he got into his beloved Impala and drove. He drove to the bridge in the early morning where he knew his brother would be waiting.

Dean didn’t know how he knew he just knew.

Once he saw his brother's tears welling up in his eyes. They were happy tears of course to finally see his brother once again. They had been separated for too damn long as he likes to put it. All those years on earth that Sam had spent without him was only a year for Dean. The elder Winchester couldn’t imagine.

Sam was right back alongside his brother… How it was meant to be. Damn had missed his older brother even if Dean bothered him all the time, or was too overprotective. Once Sam was in his brother's arms he knew that this is where he was meant to be.

Life without his brother was hell. He could talk about Dean for ages, Dean saved his ass many times, killed hitler, and sang terribly. Yet life without his brother was boring… Life without hunting was boring.

Dean and Sam were in the car speeding down the road. Sam was glancing at his brother in awe. Dean looked like the Dean he remembered back when they were still trying to find their father… Back when he had just left stanford.

Sam was no longer old himself… He was the same age as Dean. Sam was grateful for this… This truly was when he felt like his best self. Even if the world had been falling apart around the both of them.

“I’m happy about you and Eileen the two of you deserved it,” Dean smiled that cheeky smile that made one instantly appear across Sam's face. Dean was happy and he wouldn’t trade that for the world.

“You deserved it, Dean,” Sam whispered, his voice low and fragile… Just at the thought of everything that his brother had missed. His explanation missed nearly a million things that he wanted his brother to know.

“Well we can talk about this over a beer… We do have a couple of days until Elieen joins us,”

“Days? She should live another year she was younger than-”

“Each day in heaven is a year on earth,” Dean explained as if it were no big deal. “And you can feel when someone close to you arrives,”

“Awesome,” Sam murmured, unable to get out any other words. His thoughts were running wild as he didn’t know what to think. This wasn’t the heaven he remembered… He thought that heaven was just reliving your past but obviously this wasn’t part of his past.

Dean could sense his confusion and placed a hand on his brother's shoulders. “Things are different now Sammy… Instead of separate heavens everyone gets to live together… It’s just like earth except- no dying, no aging, and no crime… It’s unlimited everything,”

“So you don’t have to work, you don’t have to relive the past-”

“You get to keep living,” Dean explained smiling over to his brother. “This is another life,”

Everytime Sam looked at his brother all he could see was pain… Him with a nail through the back of him. Begging for him not to leave him. He could see the man who had gone to hell almost as long as he had lived and now… Now Sam saw a happiness seeping through Dean- and it wasn’t just because of heaven.

Something was different.

Sam found that out weirder than he expected to. Though he had his suspicions, everything that Dean had told him, everything that he saw in heaven that day wasn’t what he expected to see.

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