"Becky's ending,"

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"You stupid son of a bitch," Dean whispered staring up at the sky as, he searched the bunker for anyway to kill God.  

Sam had gone down into the torture room to grab more boxes. Dean refused since Castiel had… Left them to go into that room. 

All Dean could see was red when he searched the bunker for anything… Anything that could hurt the person who had caused him so much pain.  

Who had taken his best friend away… His angel away. 

"Dean please calm down… I think the Jack thing will work," Sam tried to comfort the hunter however Dean wasn't having any of it, his judgement had been clouded by anger and rage.  

He was doing this for Cas. Cas would have wanted this.  

Dean asked Chuck nicely to bring his best friend back… And if Chuck wouldn't do that then there was only one thing left to do with God.  

Kill him. 

"So let me get this straight you want to bring Cas back because he told you that he loved you?" Sam questioned confused as Dean sped down the road.  

Jack was in the back seat looking between the two brothers confused. "What did you say back?" 

"I panicked alright, my throat… It was like I couldn't say anything," 

"Ah so you were shocked to find out that Cas loves you," Sam whispered through a giggle.  "Well that and the fact that he made a fucking deal!" Dean exclaimed, glancing at his brother strangely. "You KNEW?" Dean was so angry he almost swerved off the road.  

"Everyone knew… Cas he follows you around like a lost puppy- though I thought you would be the first one to admit it-"

"What the hell!" Dean exclaimed pushing on the gas harder as he let out a puff of air. "I mean I knew he loved me but not-"

"Do you feel the same?" Jack questioned tilting his head to the side. 

"I-I… I feel the same," Dean whispered, glancing away from them, Sam watched as a tear trailed down the side of his cheek as he quickly whipped it away. "Chuck is going to pay… For Cas," 

"For Cas," Dean agreed. 

Their plan didn’t go as well as planned. However, it never does so there was no surprise there. Dean grunted as he collapsed into the back of the impala as Sam quickly sped away. Jack was in the backseat next to Dean crying. 

The green-eyed Winchester knew that his brother was crying in the front seat… The way that his shoulders shook with rigid breaths. Jack couldn’t get his powers to work because there were no powers… There was no God. After Jack zapped them up light and darkness balanced itself out then bam no more powers. 

“Dean you’re going to be alright… You’re going to be alright,” Sam reassured as the impala sped even faster. 

“W-We did it,” Dean whispered, feeling his hands soaked in the red substance covering his body. 

Chuck was dead and he couldn’t help yet to smile at the thought of avenging everyone who he had lost… He wanted to spend the last moments of his life being free celebrating the fact that this is what Cas wanted. 

However Cas also wanted better for him… And this surely wasn’t better. 

“Dean no alright you’re not going to die because of this! Chuck isn’t writing the story anymore-” 

Dean didn’t say anything as he could feel Jack take his hand from over his wound. “You’re going to be fine Dean,” Jack reassured, squeezing Dean’s hand as he made sure to use his other to press Sam's flannel to Dean’s bleeding wound. 

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