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"Angel I'm home!" Dean exclaimed as he came through the front door one night after working major overtime.  

Little foregoes were heard before Jack leaped into his arms. They had named their son after the nephilim who was near and dear to their heart.  

"I miss yous," He murmured, burying his face in Dean's neck. 

"I missed you too bud," Dean smiled when he heard the footsteps of his husband coming his way and then Castiel appearing in the hallway.  

"I'm glad you're home, I saw about the fire on the news," 

"It was a small one and thankfully only one person was inside," The blonde shrugged.  

"You're the best Dean," His husband pointed out causing Dean to smile as he shifted Jack in his arms before reaching out his free one to wrap around Castiel. "Even if you're really dirty," The husband laughed, glancing at the blonde.  

His face had black smudges over it clearly from the fire. Though Castiel smiled at them and learned up to kiss Dean all over his dirty face. Him being dirty was better than any battle scars.

Hell, this worked out for the both of them. Dean still got to save people and get the adrenaline from doing so and Castiel still got to help people even if he was only a cashier at gas n' sip he loved his job it reminded him of when he first was human. 

They could afford their dream home, to adopt Jack and be happy together. No more big bands to worry about and no more pending fate.  

Their destiny was their own. 

"I'll shower after dinner," Dean reassured through a smile.  

Castiel nodded through a small smile as he got onto his tiptoes and gave Dean a peck on his nose. The blonde blushed as Lack squirmed out of his arms.  

"Mir! Mir!" Suddenly the two fathers were following him until he got to the backdoor and swung it open, Miracle rushing in and toppling Dean in a hug.  

That's how Miracle ended up getting fed half of Jack's plate at dinner. He was still young and in a highchair what a messy boy.  

Once Jack continued to be messy the two husband's looked at eachother and began to laugh.  

"Bath time!" They exclaimed in unison causing Jacks eyes to widen as Dean began to clean their plates and Jack began to scream when Castiel took him upstairs.  

Dean hummed "dust on the water," the entire home he did the dishes and then afterward he picked up the house a little bit and picked up his boots from by the front door to where they belong.  

Once Dean was all done he made way up the stairs though he was tired as hell he was excited for his shower.  

"Goodnight Jack," Dean mumbled pressing his lips softly to his sons head.  

Jack smiled and held onto Dean, though his grip gradually began to loosen so the blonde was able to sneak out of the dark room where Castiel was waiting.  

"Tomorrow Jack is going to Sam and Eileen's so that we can go on a hunt," Dean reassure through a smile as Castiel took his hand and lead him toward their room.  

"Sounds perfect… Just like a shower and then scooby doo," 

"Hell yeah Cas," Suddenly that's when Castiel pushed his lips onto Dean's.  

He had missed him, even if they saw eachother this morning. 

"I love you," Castiel whispered to Dean as he stared down at the blonde using his chest as AP pillow and laughing at Scooby Doo.  

"I love you too," 

Dean and Castiel began to live the best that they coolant have ever imagined and it was definitely what they deserved after all these years.  

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