Webtoon: Enthusiasm (7.5/10) - Ongoing

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Note: not a light romance... but sexy af and... very, very interesting but confusing/complicated storyline. 




Choi Moonhyuk used to be a fighter for an illegal club. He will do anything to protect his brothers. On the day of his supposed 15th consecutive win, he ends up losing and is sold to Daebuho's son, Seo Yeonjin. In accordance with the shameless Yeonjin's plans, Moonhyuk ends up being his mad dog and winds up under his leash.


Firstly: smut, smut and smut... there's lots of smut.

Now, I love this webtoon because 1. the characters are sexy, 2. the sex is sexy and 3. the story is interesting. Like, extremely interesting (and confusing to the point where I'm still not sure if I'm understanding the whole storyline correct... I'll leave a spoiler comment below).

I still don't know too much about Choi's background but from the little glimpses we've gotten so far... I WANNA KNOW MORE, I WANNA KNOW MORE, I WANNA KNOW MORE. Yeonjin's past and story, in general, is messed up and I feel bad for him but, whoah... dude is going all out for revenge.

Anyways... if you're reading the webtoon and also confused about what's going on...

... I think (spoilers ahead)...

... (don't continue if you're not yet reading this webtoon!)...

I think that Yeonjin is doing all this to get revenge on his father. Yeonjin's wife also wants revenge (I at first thought she was using Yeonjin (to get her family off her back) just like he was using her but something was said at one point about Yeonjins mother being her muse... which makes me think there's more to the story). Anyways, Yeonjin is using Choi but, I think he's slowly falling for Choi. He's trying to get Choi to fall for him (thinking it's all because of his plan) so he's trying to act more and more like Choi's previous lover. I think Choi can see through this and actually likes Yeonjin so his going along with his plan. He knows Yeonjin has issues and he doesn't want to break the whole spell of Yeonjin thinking he's the one in control (and following his plan) because he's scared of losing him. I also believe that Yeonjin knows he's falling for Choi but his head is so messed up with pretending to be just like his father, he's mixing his emotions with what he thinks his dad would want and thinks these emotions are just because he's so intuned with being his dad. If his feelings come to light, it might just destroy him... so even though, right at the back of his mind he might know he really likes Choi... he cannot yet accept that he might not be pretending anymore and might just be, really, as his father (since he's pretending for revenge... but to actually realise he might be just like the person he hates most... is a whole other story). So, Yeonjin is on this road of destroying himself and his father... while Choi doesn't know the whole story, all he knows is that he cares for Yeonjin but he thinks he cannot let Yeonjin know the truth or he'll lose him.

Wow... that's long but it's a really complicated story and this is why I love it. The more I read, the more clues I get... to figure out what the hell is going on.

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