Little Mushroom (82/100)

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Cute MC but not a fluffy story! Mature concepts... can be dark and even depressing. Don't go into this if you want something quick, easy and happy! It is a HE but a lot happens to get to the HE ending.


Action, Drama, Psychological, Romance, Sci-fi, Shounen Ai.


An Zhe was a mushroom whose lifelong mission was to raise his own spore.

One day, he lost his spore.

He searched all over the world for a long time before finally seeing a familiar spore on the news.

An Zhe desperately knocked on the door of a colonel in the human military.

"Hello, Sir. Did your research turn out well? Can I have my son back after the research?"

The colonel looked cold. "Your son?"

"I gave birth to it QAQ."

The colonel stated, "I raised it."

"Sir, really. It is mine QAQ."

"Give birth to another one to let me see."

An Zhe: crying

WARNING (TL Disclaimer)

1. Not as fluffy as the summary makes it sound. NO mpreg.

2. Apocalyptic wasteland science fiction (no zombies).

3. Happy Ending.


I feel like I need to start off by repeating the first disclaimer: NOT AS FLUFFY AS THE SUMMARY!

The world went through a disaster (not going to go into detail) which caused living things on Earth to mutate in an instant due to radiation, etc. Living things are fighting in order to survive and that means becoming stronger by acquiring genes from other living things. Earth has literally become a war zone while humanity is trying to survive through all this. 

The world is dark and, right and wrong concepts are now completely different to what we are used to. What is the cost for the greater good? How far should we go to survive as a species?

Anyways, our MC is a little mushroom who was robbed of his most important thing: his spore. All he remembers is hearing humans when his spore went missing.  By a chance meeting with a dying human, his able to copy his genes and travel to the Northern Base in order to find his spore.


He is a creature (well, a fungus) who doesn't know what it means to be human and doesn't really care. But by spending time with humans, he slowly starts to understand and  fall in love with humanity. This is what I love about this book... we are reading this story from something who doesn't know what is right or wrong in human eyes. He doesn't know what it is to feel emotion. His choices are based on his own survival. It was so fascinating to be able to hear his opinions and also his thoughts on concepts we humans think is completely understandable in terms of being human. I also felt like I gained back some humanity I've lost due to our current cruel world run by power and money.

Sometimes the outcome is not as important as the motive or is the outcome more important than the motive? Sometimes what's right for majority of the group is not morally right.

The book is all about these concepts... the line between right and wrong and survival.

It was a good book and I'm really going to miss the little mushroom. But, boy, am I so glad it's over. I've never been so terrified of an apocalyptic world before! Seriously, a zombie apocalypse doesn't seem so bad anymore. At least you have a chance to survive it. In this book, I felt so hopeless. If you're not lucky, not important to the future of humanity... then you're out!

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