Restart After Come Back Home (78%) - Japanese

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Romance, Drama, Slice of life.


Mitsuomi Kozuka quits his job in Tokyo and decides to return to his hometown in the country for the first time in 10 years. His relationship with his Father was strained after he moved to Tokyo as he didn't want to take over the family business. 

Then Mitsuomi Kozuka meets Yamato Kumai. 

Yamato Kumai is the adopted son of old man Kumai, who took him in after his parents abandoned him in a park when he was a baby. The old man runs a farm near the home of Mitsuomi Kozuka's parents.

Yamato talks Mitsuomi into helping out on the farm and that's when their relationship grows and begins to change them both.


This movie was sugary sweet.

Don't have much to say because this is a movie about two boys trying to live a simple life while being happy. 

Working in a big city with a 'good job' is not everything and definitely not for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're a lawyer that studied at the top university and earning a high salary or if you're a farmer, or a photographer or even a housewife... as long as you're happy and doing what you want with your life, that's the only thing that matters.

Also, we might take what we have for granted because we have a tendency to look at those that have more than us. I promise you, there are just as many, or even more, people that have less than you do. Always be grateful but also... do know you are trying the very best that you can. Everyone's problems cannot be measured or compared. 

So, just remember... do what makes you happy, be thankful and give yourself a pat on the back because you deserve it.

Okay, I'm done (pen drop).

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