I Promised You the Moon (88%) - Thai

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Even though this is season 2 for "I Told Sunset About You", I feel it deserves its own page.


Romance, School, Youth, Drama.


Teh and Oh-aew, now in a blissful relationship for over a year, bid farewell to Phuket and head to Bangkok for their university lives. This time, however, as days pass Teh begins to feel differently towards Oh-aew as he spends more time with his university friends. To make matters worse, Teh begins to develop feelings for Jai, his senior in the drama club making which Oh-aew starts to notice. Will Teh and Oh-aew cross these challenges and succeed in their love?

- 5 episodes (1 hour each) -


I finally... FINALLY... finished this drama (or should I say season?).

It's taken me a while to finish, not because it isn't good but because I knew what was going to happen and I was scared to face the train wreck.

As someone that loves 'I Told Sunset About You', every episode BROKE MY HEART. We kept getting closer and closer for sh*t to hit the fan... and my heart could not take the stress. This ended with me avoiding the show for weeks, if not months, after every episode. Once my feelings calmed down, I'd come back to watch the next episode and then repeat the cycle.

But that's the crazy thing... I always came back. 

I could never forget these characters or the story. I know people have rated this badly because of what happens but I don't hate the story any less. Am I furious with the whole situation? Yes, of course, I am... but there's something so real about this story that I cannot hate it. 

I cried.

Even though I watched this season over a period of 8 months, I still felt so much for these characters that I cried.  I'm happy with the ending but I would have also been happy if it ended differently... the journey is what makes this show (it's like life and I swear, it felt like I lived a lifetime while watching this drama).

This drama is just so realistic and relatable. Everything about it. I want to hug this story, cry with this story, love this story, get angry at this story... and cherish all these moments and feelings it's given me. It was a beautiful journey and I don't regret it!

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