Young Royals (80%) - Swedish

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Royalty, boarding school, rich children.


Drama, Romance.


Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.

(6 episodes )


⚠️ Will Contain Spoilers ⚠️

I am so happy with the ending and the overall story.

Season 2 is NEEDED!

There's a lot to like about this show but the one thing I absolutely appreciated was how real this show looked - the acne, the representation of different people, and how the characters were very relatable (even though they had more money than I'd probably have in this lifetime).

Bonus: no one looked thirty pretending to be 16!

Prince Wilhelm is still my favourite character. He isn't perfect but I absolutely love him and understand every decision he has made (and yes, even the ones that have hurt Simon). He is kind, stubborn, lonely, and just wants to be/feel normal.

Simon isn't wealthy or elite but he becomes the one person Prince Wilhelm can be himself with. Simon is very honest, hard-working but also loyal. He loves Wilhelm and is always there for him but he also respects himself and will not tolerate being treated as a secret by Wilhelm (I respect that so much!).

Felice was a character I started off hating and ended up loving. She's developed so much during the show... from being insecure and very much following her mother's dreams, to being someone who stands up for what she wants, stands up for her friends, and ends up being one of the nicest people on the show. What she did in the end for Wilhelm and Simon just shows what kind of person she is! 

Actions speak louder than words... Sara. That's all I'm saying.

August, August, August... This guy just keeps digging himself deeper into a hole... with the stupid choices he makes when his emotions are high. Like, I know he's a shitty guy but I kinda understand him. No excuses for his actions but I get him. In the end, he's going to have to suffer the consequences for all his stupid choices.

Anyhoo, this show was more than I expected or wanted. All I can say is: P E R F E C T I O N

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