Manhwa: The Beast Must Die (8.5/10) - Completed

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Drama, Mystery, Tragedy, Yaoi.


To research the cause of his sister's death and the culprit of this, Li Ji Lin intentionally enters an elite club posing as Jiang Wu's lover.

As he investigates thoroughly in order to discover the culprit and exact revenge for his sister, Ji Lin does not know that he's in danger since he has been selected by the members as "The prey".

-79 chapters + side stories-




Roar 🐆

I binged 79 chapters and seriously... I loved it!

This story kept surprising me. When I started reading it... I had my assumptions but every chapter just threw me off to the point where my mind gave up guessing!

I have trust issues because of our ML (do we trust him, do we not trust him - me plucking sunflower petals)... This boy kept me guessing, kept me anxious, but he's fudging insane so it makes sense. Is he playing the MC, is he the one behind everything, does he care for the MC????? All these questions are answered, but... yeah, I ended up having to spoil myself regarding if it's a HE or not around chapter 20.

Our ML is a psychopath.

No, literally... he is and I'm so so happy they didn't fluff around this topic. He doesn't feel empathy. He likes to kill. He doesn't experience emotions as we do but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel at all. He has desires, he has wants and he feels things, just not like we do. He never asked to be born a psychopath. 

***(Not saying that killing isn't evil and we should not punish psychopaths. Shit, I'd send this dude straight to prison but, I feel we need to understand them more in order to help them and maybe, in the future, cure them).***

I really loved how we saw that side of him, trying to find a way to fix himself... and I cried (I'm shocked I did) around the ending because of how much being this way has affected his relationship and affected him. He knows killing will get him sent to prison and he'd rather die than get locked up but his desire to kill and feel the pleasure of taking a life... gets worse as time goes by. It was also interesting seeing basic things in a relationship that's been affected like how he doesn't understand what he's doing/saying wrong or saying things that he doesn't mean but he knows the ML wants to hear, or just not being able to emotionally connect.

"Our first time at the initiation almost made me think that having sex with him... would be able to replace my urge to kill. But is that really possible? Pfft... "

So, yes, he's crazy and a genius

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So, yes, he's crazy and a genius... but I loved him.

I loved him so damn much... and there wouldn't be a story without him.

Chapter 71 was amazing and when I read the chapter and thought of everything these two went through to get where they are, my heart hurt. The way our MC begged him "Can you hang in there... just a little longer" because our MC knew, once he started killing again... there wouldn't be any stopping him. He hopes they can live as normal as possible for as long as possible... and to see them both struggling to make this work; ML fighting his urges and MC having the courage to stand by this ticking time bomb is just beautiful. 

To be honest, I thought the whole story would be about MC's revenge and didn't expect that part of the story to end so early with the rest of the chapters focusing on our MC and ML's relationship. Am I complaining? NOT AT ALL!

I felt sorry for the MC... to be in love with a psychopath and knowingly being in a relationship with him is either insane or brave. Knowing ML will likely try to kill him one day is terrifying and being able to accept that (and as MC stated, he will kill ML first ) takes a lot of guts and love. To accept a person like that is... wow, true love I guess.

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