Manhwa: A Life Without You/ Ways of Parting (8.5/10) - Ongoing

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HUGE favourite of mine!


Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, (maybe Tragedy?)


A war correspondence photographer, Yoon Ha, wakes up from a five-year-long coma after being shot in a war zone while covering a story. He wakes up only to find that his long-term boyfriend and childhood sweetheart had moved on and found another partner. 

While Yoon Ha was able to recover from his war zone injuries, he's not sure if he can recover from the heartbreak over his lost love. Yoon Ha tries to get past the heartbreak by meeting other people platonically, sexually, or just as friends. 

The story is a tale of a journey to find healing for a broken heart.


This broke me... but in a beautiful way.

I did not expect to sob in almost every chapter... like, please, give my poor eyes a break.

This was emotional... mature... heartbreaking... but also extremely satisfying and real.

I found myself just going "wow, these quotes" multiple times when the author gives us a line that REALLY makes you think.

Also, I've never shouted so many times, "Stop hurting me!" before. There were so many moments when my eyes would not stop tearing up. Just thinking about this beautiful story makes me want to cry. Not only tears of sadness but just tears of 'life'.

I love the characters... I feel for them. My heart aches for them. I want them all to heal and find happiness. This isn't only about Yoon but about everyone affected by this unexpected tragedy. I know it's easy to point fingers and trust me, I have as well, but each character is just trying their best to survive and move on the best way they can.

This is probably one of my all-time favourites.

I'd recommend this 1000 times... just keep a tissue box with you. Also, you WILL cry but I promise you, every tear will be worth it.

The pain... is worth it.

(P.s. writing this made me shed tears... just brought back all the memories and reasons why I love this webtoon so much.)

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