YYY (70%) - Thai

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You have never been confused in your life until you watch this show!


Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Sitcom.


Nott, a handsome inventor lives in an all-boys apartment owned by Porpla, the yaoi fan owner. One day one of Nott's inventions causes an electrical fire destroying Porpla's Yaoi Cds. She decides to kick him out, when a new guy, Pun, an ad celebrity arrives seeking for a room. Knowing about Porpla's Yaoi likeness, Nott asks Pun to help him stay in the apartment by pretending to be his boyfriend. Pun accepts and pretends to be Nott's boyfriend. But as time passes, the two can't help but eventually fall for each other.

- 6 episodes (45min each) -


I started laughing while thinking what to write here. People who have watched this show will understand the craziness, the confusion but the amazing story this show tells. This show was a mess in the most beautiful way. Just to let you know, it's a mess on purpose. 

When I started this show, I wasn't expecting much because it was a sitcom. Firstly, it was my first Thai sitcom and secondly, I'm not a comedy person. I like comedy but you won't see me watching a show just based off the genre comedy. Like, no. I thought I'll watch one episode since it had Talay (I love him) and if I don't like it then, yeah. First episode was actually great... second episode, mmm.... I don't think anyone knew what they were getting themselves into when starting this show.

This show is bat shit crazy but in the best way possible!

The opening destroyed my eyes... they should really put a warning before with all the flashing lights (you have been warned). I should have, SHOULD HAVE, known that things were gonna get crazy. Do you know how many times I questioned: 'WTF is this? What am I watching? What in the world is going on?'


I might as well have started questioning my own sanity, LMAO. It made me laugh, confused and surprisingly, cry too.

I didn't expect to feel so much for the two main characters, especially it being a sitcom. I didn't expect the emotions I felt. This show was all fun and games until things got serious (and I was laughing my ass off but crying at the same time cause crazy, hilarious shit was happening but my boys were heartbroken). 

That's what made this show amazing for me. The characters were so REAL! I've said it before and I'll say it again but I'm not one to ever watch a comedy... and the humor and kinda crazy things happening in this show will not be for everyone (like people being sucked into washing machines). But, the messages expressed is really beautiful. Sometimes, life is crazy and the world doesn't stop when you're hurting or want it to stop.

I do recommend this for everyone because even though it might not be your style, first give it a shot before you decide. You might just end up surprised like I was and love it!

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