Till Death Do Us Part (76/100)

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I was looking for the novel based on the Chinese drama Till Death Tear Us Apart and found this story thinking it was that. It's not! There is also a prequel to this story which is based on the past lives of the two main characters. Because of me starting this by mistake, I had no idea what the story was about. If I did, honestly, I might never have read it. 


Drama, Historical, Mature, Romance, Smut, Yaoi.


Set in early-20th century China, this story takes off in the port city of Tientsin (Tianjin) that is divided into lands called concessions and owned by several foreign powers. Shen Liangsheng is a charismatic and cunning playboy, a son of a rich businessman, who has profits as his top priority. He meets Ch'in Ching, an average school teacher who appears mild but actually holds a patriotic heart for his home. The two cross paths and sparks fly. But will their love hold strong through the imminent forces that will tear the country apart...?

-27 Chapters- (Again, there is also a prequel book based on the past life of the two main characters.)


After the first chapter, I realised I was reading the wrong story... but I was curious, so I continued reading. I'm so glad I did. I remember getting to around chapter 12... I was enjoying the SMUT but really didn't care much for the characters. Shen was this rich businessman who only cared about profits and what would benefit him. Ch'in was a teacher who falls in love with Shen knowing what kind of person he is... I've read about similar characters before.

I didn't know how many chapters there were... I didn't know what the future was for the story, so when I got to around chapter 14, I ALMOST STOPPED. I thought this story was going to be predictable. 'They liked each other and later in the future, because of Shen's mindset, they will probably break up, hurting Ch'in. But eventually, Shen will realise he was in love with Ch'in which cannot be measured like a business contract and will go after Ch'in. It could be a happily ever after or a sad one. I wasn't sure... but that was what I thought this book was going to be like.' THANK GOODNESS I CONTINUED!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Because then China's history went BAM! "Don't forget this is a historical story... therefore I shall enter!"  I didn't expect the amount of history I learnt from this story. The struggles the people and Country went through. Thankfully, the translator made notes after each chapter with real past articles, maps, facts and images making the whole story so much MORE REAL.

The story went from a 'predictable romance with SMUT' to a sobbing, throwing all my pillows against the wall, life story. This book was a story about two men falling in love just before chaos hit. It was refreshing and a really great surprise. You can rationalise every decision made by either character and it was interesting how the plot developed about midway.

I cried... but I cannot say the ending was sad. There were happy moments and sad moments but isn't that what life is all about? In the end, I felt like I had lived a lifetime with them... and as I finished the last chapter, I felt like I had aged. I felt tired. My heart ached. But I was happy. 

A bittersweet story with a bittersweet ending.

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