Manhua: Too Close (7.8/10) - Completed

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A love that transcends distance and time <3


Chinese, Drama, School Life, Shounen-ai, Slice of Life.


Xu Ze is a first-year high school student while Lin Tian-Yu is the president of the student council and the disciplinary committee. Tian-Yu reprimands Xu Ze for sleeping during morning self-study while inspecting classrooms. This encounter marks the start of these two people's life changes that they never think about.

- 126 chapters -


I wish this was a novel because this is the kind of story I prefer to read in more depth (the reason why the score is lower than it should be is that I felt like I was reading a summary). They start off as rivals but you watch as their relationship changes as they get to know each other and I wish I had more.

⚠️There will be some small spoilers below! ⚠️

There is a time skip of 5 years and they are then in University. I love this because we can see a new relationship form when they meet again and it's different from the puppy love they had in school but more serious, more mature and I love that.

I love that we got to experience both time periods of their love story... the innocence of just falling in love and going with the flow of your feelings TO the more serious "I want to be with you but relationships need work and I also have goals". I love how trust was brought up and also communication (applaud) - they spoke about their problems and that is everything.

This is a shounen-ai... so no smut or anything more than a peck is shown but the story and their cuteness are enough to prove their love. Also, I've been getting into a lot of Shounen-ai these days because I feel the story works more on the development of their relationship than using s.e.x. to do all the work and talking (not that I don't like my smut).

Though it touched on some mature themes, it was also fun and easy to read (binged with no issues). It's definitely one of those comfort reads - not sure if anyone else has these but when you've read a 'serious' story that's emotionally tiring and you just need to read something happy and loving... this is one of those recovering stories.

It will make you smile 😊

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