Like in The Movies (88%) - Filipino

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Plot 85%, characters 90% and enjoyment 90% = 88% (THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!)


Comedy, Romance, Drama


Karl, a 19-year-old recluse architecture student in the middle of an identity crisis is forced by his parents to move into his uncle's condo unit to learn to live alone, a family tradition, prior to the start of the second semester of college. 

Pressured to have enough money to earn his keep, Karl takes on odd jobs online. But when one of his major clients suddenly goes MIA, he is left short on funds and without a means to pay for his utilities. 

An opportunity presents itself when his neighbor, the mysterious Vlad, whom he despises for being inconsiderate, gets himself in a sticky situation — hiding from his own family, and proposes that they become housemates for the rest of the semestral break in exchange for rent.

- (8 episodes, 30 minutes each) -  


No words can describe how I felt after watching this masterpiece. This is one of those dramas that will sit with you long after you've finished watching and I highly recommend you keep a note book with you because there's going to be some quotes you'll want to take down.

Trust me.

After finishing this drama, I discovered it's based off real life experiences of the writer but this story is his version of what he wished happened rather than the tragic ending that he suffered. It's a story of accepting yourself, of life, of love, of family, but mostly the prejudice/hypocritical beliefs that are so deeply rooted in ourselves.

This drama hit me where it hurt... I've been in Karl's shoes and I'm still in Karl's shoes. Watching this hurt but it was beautiful, real, heartbreaking and just argghhhh... all at once. I loved it. I love it. It's one of the best stories out there and I don't understand how and why it's not as popular as some of the other BL dramas... like, this is the type of stories we need. This is real shit that will hit you where IT NEEDS to hit you.

Can I just say that Vlad... he's the type of person I wish I was more like. Vlad... we've probably all had our own Vlad's in our life and we most probably hurt them just like Karl had. People are very quick to accuse Karl and point fingers at him as if he is the problem. I just want to cry for Karl. I want to hug him... this poor boy is scared, he is hurt, he cannot be himself or accept himself and people blame him as if it's the easiest thing to do to be honest to yourself. As if the world hasn't been telling you from the moment you were born what and who you need to be. 

Enough now... just, please, go watch this story because YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. YOU WON'T. YOU MIGHT CRY BUT YOU'LL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER IN THE END. I PROMISE.

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