Tharntype (78%) - Thai

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Roommates/ university/ abuse.


Friendship, Romance, School, Youth, Drama, Family, Mature.


Type is a dark, tall and handsome freshman. Although he's a warm boy, he is homophobic because of something that happened to him during his childhood. His life turns up side down when the new year of college brings along a very interesting person in his life — , a gay roommate, Tharn. 

Tharn is a very handsome music major with fair skin and mixed features. He is also openly gay. With a gay guy and a guy who hates gay men that have to share a small space together for the rest of the year — what can possibly be the outcome of their story? Hatred? Or maybe love?

-12 episisodes-


I LOVED this show so much. And all those twists... never saw them coming. 

I'm so happy I didn't look up any spoilers... I had no idea what Tharntype was about except everyone kept commenting about the show, saying it's so good so I had to give it a shot.

Well, IT'S SO GOOD!!!

People might have a few things to say about Type. He was really abusive to Tharn in the beginning but Type has his reasons. Am I making excuses for all his actions? No. But you cannot blame someone for how they deal and protect themselves after experiencing a traumatic event.  To be honest, you shouldn't even comment on a situation you've never been though. The important thing is, Type himself realises what his done and changes to become someone better.

The growth of Type through out the show is incredibly done.

Type experienced something no one should... by an evil person who was gay (the first gay man he met). In his mind... all gay people were evil because they reminded him of what happened to him. He, as a child, linked his experience with being gay... and this is how he was FOR YEARS.

If you get bitten by a snake... you won't just be afraid of the type of snake that bit you. You'd be afraid of every single snake you come across. (I'm using a snake reference here because I've had a bad experience with a snake and now, no matter how hard I try, I'm absolutely terrified of snakes to the point of not even being able to look at a snake image.)

This is what Type was like. So, yes, he hated all gay men. But then he met Tharn. This made his thoughts and feelings extremely conflicted. Even though he hated men... he started having feelings for Tharn. The more he thought he would hate it, the more he liked it. This created his back and forth feelings with Tharn until he realised that Tharn was different. Of course, this doesn't mean he trusted all gay men... yet.

So, his growth and coming to terms with being gay (the sexuality his hated for years) will take time and it did take time but he changed and I love him for it. He opened himself up to Tharn even though he was terrified and that's the bravest thing ever.

Everyone deals with things differently. 

The plot, the way Tharn and Type's relationship developed, the friends... the ending... everything was INCREDIBLE. Love this drama so much!

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