Webtoon: Heat & Run (7/10) - Ongoing

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ABO world and follows x3 couples!


Drama, Smut.


Ro Jaeho and Joo Ian are the sons of Alpha families who are sworn enemies. However, their little brothers Joo Jihwan and Ro Miho are in a relationship...? 

Ian joins Miho and Jihwan's holiday in America and meets Jaeho there by chance. There is a strange tension in the air between the two older brothers... 

"Joo Ian, you... You didn't use to smell like that before!"


By now, you should know I love ABO stories and out of the 3 couples, the first couple is my favourite.

Ro Jaeho and Joo Ian are the sons of famous Alpha rival families. However, their little brothers Joo Jihwan and Ro Miho have liked each other since their eyes met (aka, second couple)... This was the start of their sort-of/maybe friendship?

Haha... the pic above with the cuties are the little buggers who probs get the most S.E.X action in the first few chapters (they are not little children anymore!).

Ian and Jaeho meet again after years of being apart due to the little buggers they call 'brothers'. Also... Ian and Jaeho are so fricken gorgeous. I want to see more of them.

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