The Untamed (98%) - Chinese

171 2 5

Seriously, who hasn't heard of this masterpiece? I can't even compare it to just BL's like I'm doing with the other BL's. This show should be compared with ALL drama's. So, yes, it's a 20/10!


Action, Adventure, Historical, Mystery, Fantasy, Bromance.


Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji, two talented disciples of respectable clans, meet during a cultivation training and accidentally discover a secret carefully hidden for many years. Taking on the legacy of their ancestors, they decide to rid the world of the ominous threat, but in a dramatic turn of events, Wei Wu Xian dies. Sixteen years later, Wei Wu Xian is brought back to life through a self-sacrificing ritual. He conceals himself behind a mask and assumes the identity of his summoner. Soon Wei Wu Xian reunites with Lan Wang Ji, and the pair starts working together to solve the mysteries of the present and unravel the truth behind the events of the past.

- 50 episodes -


I don't know how to explain to you how great this show is. How much this show means to me. It's impossible to describe with words. If you haven't watched the show then 

1. What the hell is wrong with you?

2. I'm so fricken jealous!

This show took me on a journey I'll never forget. This show is not overhyped like so many  are. You will not be disappointed. Yes, this show is not a BL but a 'bromance'... the biggest BS you'll read about this show. What is a BL? Is a BL only called a BL when we see two guys kiss or have sex? No. A BL is about two guys falling in love. This show did not need any physical romantic scenes because it did enough for the viewers to truly believe in the love between Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji. It makes you believe in love, full stop. No words are needed when you can feel it with every look, every action and every thought.

What's crazy is that this show did such an amazing job with their romance (got around censorship as well!) and it's not the only fantastic thing about the show. The sibling relationships shown between Wang Ji and his brother as well as Wu Xian and his adoptive brother and sister are beautiful. I also loved how it showed family bonds are not formed through blood... it touched on so much. SO MUCH. My heart still aches when I think about Wu Xian and Jiang Cheng. The way their relationship developed and then changed is heartbreaking. What I also love is that by the end of the show, it's resolved but not resolved... if that makes sense. Some things can never go back to the way they were. Some things change and as humans, we need to understand that. As we get older, as life goes on, some things need to move on too.

How the show touched on personal morals vs. cultural morals, loyalty, selflessness, the norms of society, how the world is morally grey, vengeance and it's consequences, family, and the list goes on, was amazing. "Who's right and who's wrong? Who's black and who's white?" I love this quote because this is the true essence of the show. No human is perfect. No choice is perfect. Good people make bad decisions and bad people can sometimes make good decisions. What then makes people good or bad? Where lays the line between good and bad? After watching this show, I realised how white and black my view of the world was... now, I see everything with new eyes. I think differently (read more about the philosophical themes such as deontology, consequentiality, etc.). Once a show can change your whole perception of the world, it deserves an applause!

The characters and their relationships really made me love the show but the plot and the story really pushed their characters forward. Life really does make you who you are. It shapes who you become but you still have a choice to change. This story really makes the characters who they are. I loved it. I LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT. I've never cried so much while watching a show. I had to take breaks because I was mentally exhausted after some episodes. I remember telling my mom and aunt to watch this show and the first thing my mom asked me was if it was than Chinese show I'm always crying over while watching. I was so surprised she even knew, LMAO.

Anyways, this show was beautiful. The story was beautiful. The characters were so real and it got me crying over some evil MF's, I swear! I come back to watch the show all the time. I've watched the show 3 times already but some of my favourite parts, probably around 5/6 times.

As you can see, I can really go on and on about this show. Do remember that they had a budget, most of the actors were new actors and the show starts slow and it's confusing in the beginning, but I PROMISE YOU, give it 6 episodes and you'll thank me from the bottom of your heart.

*Shout out to the author who's written two of my favourite novels (this and Heaven Official's Blessing). I don't know how someone can write not just one but 2 masterpieces. You are absolutely brilliant and I thank myself every day for finding you years ago.

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