talk to me

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Ruby POV

V: no can do *comes in*...come on why are you here alone?

R: better question is why your here violet?

V: look i know i'm annoying you...i know people do that but i know no one should be alone on x-mas-

R: *gets up* i'm alone every FUCKING day ever since allie and i arrived. no one gives a crap about me and you think JUST cus its xmas that'll st-

V: woah woah easy Ruby 

           I sit back down holding my head GOD it hurts. I remember there's still blood.

V: oh shit um stay there i'll get the 1st aid kit-

R: no just leave damn it

V: ruby...i'm not giving you a choice i'm the ONLY person who's even tried to interact with you other then allie...whos wanted to...i know the 1st time it was maybe cus i was drunk but also i KNOW your not...

R: what huh? WHAT? EVIL?

                  I could feel anger bubbling up in my veins. I don't wanna be like this. I try to hold myself together as she cleans up my hand and wraps it.

V: there

Violet POV

              I could see her eye shadow darkening and her eyes glowing brighter but she's trying to hold it back...damn it i got her mad again.

R: *groan* my head

V: look i just came to give you...this

            I see her eyes light up for split second

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            I see her eyes light up for split second.


V: yeah yanno a xmas present 

R: w-wow i...well i um i...*gulps*...t-thanks

            I swear for a even shorter amount of time her eyes lit up...she smirked. She clipped it to one of the chains on her waist. 

V: no problem ruby...merry christmas i better go before people worry

R: m-merry christmas 

             I leave and shut the i...she clearly just needs help. I feel a weird cold chill go down my neck and hear a crash from behind me...i wanna help but i can't...i head to the party

~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~

            ...oh thats it its been like half a year since allie and ruby arrived and...oh poor ruby needs...someone. 

R: your insane.

V: oh come ON rose don't be a bitch about it 

R: you DO remember what happen to Sam right?

V: that was one time

R: yeah...cus she got banned from the bar remember cus she beat the SHIT outta Sam

V:i know i know but sam got her mad

R: so what? that's not a way to act. she's not LIKE us

V: but maybe she wants to be

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

Ruby POV

             I'm drinking my pain away like normal or at least trying to when i hear a weird knock at my door. I go to open it and someone stumbles in...violet? tf-

V: heyyy ruby

            why is she being so nice to me? she normal stays clear of me just like everyone else...

R: ummmm your in the complete wrong part of town you DO know that right?

V: am i? oop my bad aha sorry 1st time drunk

R: oh that uhh yeah that explains it

V: hey why are ya here alone? 

R: im always alone...allie has fun on weekends...and im not fun so no one really cares...anyways ya um...were you driving?

V: i mean yeah every street kinda looks the same is all

                    I can't let her drive home as much i would rather have her not here im sober enough to drive...

R: *sigh* alright come on im getting you home

               I drive her home in her car and walk home...she kept asking questions about me and shit it was annoying but in a way...a small part of me at least was nice

~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~

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