it WAS a perfect day

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~~~time skip~~~

Rose POV

              Its almost time. People are sitting on the side lines of the street where we marked it was the best distance. Everything has been going according to plan. Gabrielle seems happy

G: i think your right rose...i don't think this day could be ruined 

R: i told you, its a perfect day...OH its time i better turn on the speaker 

                 The mayor walks up to her podium outside town hall and i stand next to her

G: hello everyone! before we start i'd like to say...anyone and everyone who thinks maybe they aren't valid...who feel lost...who feel maybe its better to hide. Its not, show pride in what you are! Its what makes you you! so i want you all today to know you are accented and the ones that really matter most will show you its okay...your all special 

                 Once she finished everyone began clapping

G: lets get this celebration started!

                  With that Allie and Maxine ride their motorcycle and dirt bike out from the right. The plan is its from the far right of town to the left so everyone can see the floats and they do the main performances in front of the town hall, obviously doing other ones on the floats the whole way so people don't feel left out. They both do wheelies in figure eights on the sparks they set up so it looks like they're leaving a lit trail. They each go full speed onto ramps of either side and do flips in the air, Allie doing the more dangerous ones of course. She'll literally flip OFF of the dirt bike in mid air and land on it with her hands. The crowd cheers and they wave quickly pushing the ramps out of the way and driving back out of sight to their floats. The mayor and i sit in seats set up for us right in front of the preforming area and we hear music slowly making it's way meaning the first float is coming

Iris POV

                 Oh GOD I'M SWEATING! i'm so nervous. We just HAD to be the first act? As the floats making its way up Max walks up next to me while pumping up the crowd with her mic

M: hey pssttt Iris you're gonna be fine! BESIDES THEY LOVE YA RIGHT GUYSSS!?!

                 The crowd goes wild but i honestly think it's only because Max said it. She's so sweet though

I: thanks Maxie

M: no problem 

                  She goes and grabs her electric guitar and quickly starts tuning it as Maddie sets up the mics. Ruby was supposed to do the drums but since she's not here we got Sam Campbell to do it thankfully. The floats stops at the front of the town hall and Max starts stomping and clapping to "we will rock you" which she wanted to be the intro song

M: buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise! playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday! you got mud on your face, you big disgrace! kicking your can all over the place, singing! 


              It's great seeing how much fun Max has on stage. It's almost like she forgets everyone is watching her. She finishes up that song and then calls up Maddie. Max is really putting her all in for this performance, shes sweating and has unbuttoned another button on her shirt starting to show some cleavage...i'm kinda worried. They preform call me crazy and then she starts playing shut me up on her guitar...okay it's time

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