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Barbie POV

              They've taken at least 7 cans of beer, which by the way who orders the CANS at a bar but anyways, they seem pretty drunk...should i call them a uber or something? They're about to down the rest of their can and i stop them...i should stop too i'm supersized i made it past two shots of fireball and i'm trying to sip at my third. Anyways i put their drink down and snap trying to get their attention and then they FINALLY look at me

B: hey you look pretty loopy maybe you should call it a night

D: hmmmmmm~

               They push their hair back and look me in the eyes...i never noticed how pretty they are

D: sure y-yaa your right lemme go get ma car

B: hey hey woah nah i'm not just letting you go like that how many fingers am i holding up

                   I hold up two fingers and they stare at it for a while

D: four

B: *sigh* oh boy ight fine look i'll drive you home and then uber back to my place i don't wanna drink anymore anyways

D: hm?

B: ugh just come on

                      I grab their wrist, pay the tab and walk them to their car. They stumble and nearly trip a couple times but we make it without them getting hurt

B: keys please?

D: uhhhh...

                     She...shit they THEY barbie jesus THEY...they try grabbing from what i think is their back pocket of their jeans. I get impatience and grab em from behind em. I unlock the car and they get into the back seats. I start driving us over to her...their God what the fuck i was doing so well...their place. I run up and open their front door so i can help them in

F+R: meow

B: huh? oh right they did say they had cat-


B: hey hey chill look i gotta help em in before they hurt themselves uhhh...stay

               I hurry back and see em stumbling out of the car already. I grab their wrist before they fall and pull em up

B: God your a mess

D: *chuckle* oh what a shame~

B: ...*snicker* okay that was kinda good...seriously though lets get ya inside before someone sees me with you

                 I help her...them in and close the door behind us. I put the keys on their kitchen counter. They sit on their sofa...okay fine

B: hey dante?

D: mhm?

B: look about the pronouns...i'm sorry okay? truth is i'm not used to it...like i get on a roll with it then suddenly i see yanno your more feminine features and my brain loses it...and i'm sorry i told charlie okay?

D: hmmmmmmm...forgiven

B: really?

                 They stand up and stumble over to me. They trip and stop the fall with the counter behind me...i'm kinda pinned

D: i couldn't stay tooooo mad at that pretty lil face now could i? boop

                   They boop our noses together...i feel butterflies go off in my stomach...oh God wait do i...i mean i know i'v thought of it but this whole time have i been thinking...they are hot and funny sometimes and saved me like twice but-

D: hehe yanno i'v always wanted ta do this?

B: do what-

                    They smash their lips onto mine...oh God they're a great kisser. I sit on the counter so its easier and I kinda start taking off their shirt...they have a binder on. They move down and start sucking on my neck

B: y-you better n-not tell anyone a-about this-

D: *chuckle* whatever floats ya boat~

                  With that I start unzipping my pants...a one night stand wouldn't hurt anyone right? just a quick hookup nothing else...as long as no one knows it'll be fine

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