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Ruby POV

                     Please...please don't look at anything in there...please don't look at the blood stains or the chains i wouldn't be able to explain-

V: i'm back

R: *looks up*

                         She doesn't look scared or anything...she...really just went in for a knife. She carefully cuts the straps and gets me out of the jacket and muzzle. I crack my jaw and move it around since it's mainly been still, all i could do was talk thru my teeth in that thing. I'm finally able to real my shoulders so i basically melt into the sofa

R: *gasp* air...thank God

V:'re still struggling to breathe

R: g-gee...i *pant* c-couldn't tell

V: is your chest tight? 

R: a...l-lil

V: it's the should take it off

R: *nods* y-yeah g-good idea

                                I sit up and struggle to get my shirt off ...all my joints hurt. She sits next to me

V: here

R: *blushes* w-what are you doing?

V: i'm not going to look i'm just helping you...i share a apartment with three sisters it's not like i haven't already seen stuff by mistake

R: ...your sister's a fucking bitch...should rot in hell


                            did she me?

V: i know daff can me...overbearing and...protective and...what's a good word

R: a fucking asshole?

V: NO...rude she can be rude and...*sigh* she's STILL my sister ruby...and while i can because we're related...i won't have you or anyone else be talking s-...bad about her

R: were you bouta curse?

V:'re a bad influence

R: *chuckle* yeah

                    She starts undoing my binder and i panic. I push her to the ground as a reflex

R: s-shit i'm s-sorry i just

V: it's okay it was just an instinct-

R: d-did i hurt you-

                She gets back up and helps me out...what is this feeling?...embarrassment? that's not it...but her eyes are closed...which is sweet...SMART i mean smart cause yanno who'd wanna see that yanno? Oh man that feels better...i get my shirt on 

R: ight

V: better?

R: a lil...*gulp* ...i just...d-don't know what *pant* ...h-happened

V: we'll figure it out...i'll be here every step of the way...not like i can really go home

R: you can stay long as you need to

V: thank you

Daisy POV

D: you did WHAT???

R: Daff this is too far you can't just KICK vi out of the house she's our SISTER

Daff: i GAVE her a choice. We'll keep her stuff here but she is NOT living here anymore-

D: but-

R: Daff that's insa-

Daff: you guys live under THIS roof you will live by MY rules that's how families WORK-


                   I grab my purse and a jacket and head to the door

Daff: where are you going?


                 I can't fucking BELIEVE her...kicking out violet? well good fucking bye... i can find somewhere i'll rent or some shit i don't care...oh God i can't deal with this

*calls jenna*

J: well hello da-

D: *sniff* j-jenna

J: ...where are you? i'll be there in no time at all

~~~small time skip~~~

                 Jenna pulls up in her their as i wait on a bench. They hop out and run to me as a stand

J: *hug* are you okay my love? what happened? are you alright? are you hurt?

D: i-i'm fine...psychically i just...*sniff* i finally did it

J: did what darling?

D: *sigh* ...i...i can' with Daff anymore

                      They lead me to the car and we get in

J: ...let's go to my home...i know it isn't the fanciest place but...have you had breakfast yet?

D: no

J: i'll cook you some

D: w-what about your job

J: i normally don't have to arrive till at least mid day...besides they can handle a day without're much greater importance to me...screw your fucking sister

D: *giggle* you broke character 

J: darn...let's go

D: thanks darling

J: darling? never call me that

D: figured it's better the "charming"... t-though of course you're STILL charming just yanno as a pet name it's kinda weird i think

J: *smiles*...thanks...i like it better

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