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Iris POV

        I feel her park and get off the motorcycle.

M: well come on aha

I: uh can i open my eyes?

M: oh right...not ya can hold my hand i'll lead ya

        I take of my helmet and put it on one of the handles and then feel her grab my hand. She leads me somewhere then lets me open my eyes

M: i'm guessing ya never been rollerblading? 

I: wow

             Its some wort of pretty park with a lot of ramps and stuff

M: i'd take ya skateboarding but like yanno baby steps 

I: this looks so fun Max

M: oh trust me it is...hold on 

               She rents herself rollorblades and skates for me since i am a beginner after all



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I: thank you Max

M: no prob...need help standing?

I: uh yeah probably 

                     She reaches her arm down...honestly that angle makes her look REALLY hot...stop it Iris. She helps me up and i struggle to even do that

M: alright ya kinda have to learn to relax, put your legs like this alright?

                     She shows me the basics and after about 5 minutes i'm able to move forward...but i have absolutely zero understanding on how to stop-


I: M-Max how do i s-stop!

M: oh shit right *chuckle*

               Right as i'm about to go down a ramp Max rolls up behind me and grabs me

I: thanks Max

M: yeah course...ya mind? i haven't skated here in a while

I: yeah i don't mind

                  She leaves me by the beginner area and i practice while i see her skate backwards down a ramp. She starts doing all these cool people really not see her other talents? or does she just not share them? I practice stopping like she taught me and moving faster. After awhile i get it down pretty well in my opinion. After a while she comes up to me

M: hey so wanna head to board walk? 

I: sure

                 We take off our skates and I return them as she pulls up the motorcycle. I hop on and put my arms around her waist...i lean onto her...she smells nice...wait is that weird?-

M: so what ya want for lunch while we over there? the boardwalk has like everything

I: uh i don't know

M: we'll see when were over there i guess...ya mind if i take the scenic route?

I: sure i don't mind

M: and if i pick up speed?

I: your driving Max i don't mind

M: ight...hold on

                    She turns some corners and we end up in a really pretty forest on the outside of town. I hold onto her tighter. The suns rays are perfect today...she turns and looks at me smiling...that smile melts my heart i i?...nah nah were just friends 

Maxine POV

                    yanno i kinda like the feeling of Iris this close to me...its nice. She was a gently touch and shes warm. I wonder why no one's like try making move on her shes a real nice girl...i pull but to the broad walk and park. We walk in...i feel her hold my hand...i'd normally shake someone off but her hand honestly fit mine if that makes sense. I turn to her and she smiles

M: well i don't know about you but i'm hungry i didn't really have real breakfast aha 

I: same... i m-mean don't get me wrong what a gave me was great i just-

M: *chuckle* iris baby girl...

                 again with the "baby girl" thing-

M: i know it wasn't the best i told ya it wasn't its fine come on brunch is my treat

I: really?

M: yeah

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