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Maxine POV

                 She puts a plate of cookies in front of me...bull shit i'm eating that

I: this is one of the only chances i'm giving you to eat...you might as well take it

M: why the hell would i trust you?

I: why wouldn't you?...babe

M: you're NOT iris you don't get to call me that

I: i can call you whatever i want. now eat, i can promise you i won't be this nice again...it's not poisoned...i would still prefer you alive...for now anyway

                     ...it doesn't seem like they're poisoned or anything...also i can't get outta this chair...i pick up a cookie and bite it...fuck it's good DAMN IT >:/

I: there you go...see? i wouldn't let you starve 

                       God it feels good to eat again i can't deny that shit...at least i know i won't die of starvation...i look out a window and can see...a beam...damn there's a newbie?...how many have i missed?

Alanis POV

                      I drive us to the local gym like gabs wanted...she looks stressed...i hate seeing her like that

A: hey what's up?

G: niether Fred or Jack are picking up

A: okay well try...OH how bout that girl Olive

G: Olive? i mean...that's not a bad idea

A: here

                We walk in and wait around the front desk

A: just call em up and if they pick up they can handle it

G: oh well um easier said then done

A: what do you mean? you have the number right?

G: oh yes i do it's just difficult...you see they don't...talk

A: ...what do you mean they don't talk?-

Jessie: sup i'm jessie and...you're...you're Alanis right?

(AN: in case u forgot that's the roast yourself harder gabs)

A: oh hey, yeah that's me, really sorry can you give us a second 

J: yeah sure, don't sweat it 

A: okay back to our convo...like what do you mean?

G: well from what we know...no one has heard her talk...at all 

A: oh...well just tell her then?

G: i mean i supposed that'd work but i wouldn't know if she couldn't or not

A: worth a shot...someone'll handle it, it doesn't have to be you

G: okay you convinced me...i'll call

A: cool...ayo uh...jessie?

J: yuh?

                    I look into the gym to see her taking a picture in the mirror while doing pull ups one handed...showoff

Olive POV

                    Well this is going awful...if the kids could just stand still and read what i put on the board for today that'd be great...i just had to wanna do theater didn't i?...i mean i love it...but no one cares that i'm even here...


                      I pick up the phone

G: hey Olive...look you're one of the newest characters...i have a favor

                       Almost anything would be better then being in this theater...never thought i'd say that-

O: hm?

G: well do you see that beam in the sky?...that's the signal, as you may know, that a newbie is waiting...now normally i have a past newbie pick them up but since they're all besy i'm asking you...can you do that for me?

O: ...mhm

G: oh wonderful thank you...bye

*hangs up* 

                          I point at Tyler the only child who seems to care bout theater. I write "tyler is in charge" on the board

T: really miss? ME?

O: *nods*

T: w-wow okay i'll try my best

                          I hand him the script, director cap and leave. I see the light so i drive away in my car

Harley POV

I: harley?

H: *gasp* irene! oh thank God you came

I: hey...so you're sisters all called out?

H: well not exactly but sure...barbs might be coming though so that's good...look could you handle the bar while i get orders? it's been slow but still it's kinda a hassle doing everything alone

I: of course baby cakes

H: *sigh* yanno i hate that name 

I: i know :)

H: ...you're lucky you're hot

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