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Allie POV

           They have no idea how happy i am to see them right now...they just smile and Maddie breaks the silence

Mad: *clears throat* t-they should be here soon

A: g-great...s-sam?

S: yeah?

A: so ya w-work out?

S: *chuckle* your so stupid...but yeah i work out...truth is some of my unstable came out back there is all

Maddie POV

                 She looking into Sams eyes...the way she looked at me when we first met...i don't fucking like that. The ambulance roll up with a police car behind em. They take Allie to check on her and after a while two police men drag Ruby out...shes bleeding pretty bad...well fucking serves them right

A: l-looks like the show'll have to be c-canceled a couple more days...*sigh* man those kids love watching the show it sucks i can't preform...

Jade POV

J: *sigh* they found em

F: well that's good at least...hey Jade

J: hm?

F: your kinda hurting my hand *chuckle* 

J: OH sorry aha

                  I was kinda holding her hand a lil too hard. Were at her place having some coco and watching bambi to try and relax

F: hey...your eye shadow's getting pretty dark...what's on your mind sweetie?

J: n-nothing Faith don't worry-

F: jade...come on i know that look

J: *sigh* it's unstables we don't seem to get a break i just...hate it

F: i know ...i know its hard...but it'll get better

J: they all say that...i want it TO be better

F: well it has Jade...look at it like this. You haven't tried...self harm since the vine incident, lexi and shatter are allowed in the bar...things are getting better

J: *sigh* your right 

            She scoots even closer, puts her coco down and kisses me on the forehead then wraps me in a hug

F: it's getting better...i know it is

             I hug back and nuzzle our noses together as she slowly lays down with me on the sofa

J: thanks sweetheart

F: anytime jade...i love you...unstable or not

J: ...i love you too

Maxine POV

I: you really sure your still into trying to learnt this?

M: hell yeah i am...i'm beat ya one day 

I: *chuckle* alright...i wouldn't move that knight there just saying

                    Lately Iris and I have been playing chess to see if i can learn to...well...think better. I can grasp the concept of the game and its kinda fun...but i never win

I: ...check mate

M: AW MAN!'s about best two outta three?

I: it'd be more like best twelve outta thirteen 

M: *sigh* yeah your right...hey *sniff* did you leave something in the oven?

I: i don't...think so?

M: i smell burning you better go check

                        She gets up and walks to the kitchen when i get a text...SAM!

*in texts*

S: hey max look i have to tell u something

M: sure wat is it sam?

S: ur a cool kid and all but...this isn't working


S: i just don't feel anything really with u other then being friends...i'm sorry max...we've gone on like 5 dates it's just...not gonna work

M: ...

S: oh come on bud don't leave me on read i can't help it

M: ...

S: max...i'm sorry

                     I chuck my phone across the room...DAMN IT! FUCKING DAMN IT! I was doing everything right i though. I thought maybe just maybe it'd work. I hear some crushes from the kitchen but don't react to them. Iris stumbles back into the room holding her head

I: i ugh cleared up whatever the smoke was...somehow...oh maxie hey whats wrong?

M: t-they d-dumped me 

I: oh...oh max i'm so sorry-

M: i d-did everything right though 

                  She sits next to me and rubs circles into my back

I: *sigh* oh maxie...i know but not...not everything works perfectly how we'd want it to

                 She pulls me into a hug and i hug back

M: i f-fucking tired d-damn it

I: hey i know i loved em

M: you k-kidding? i-i'm crazy for em

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