let go

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Rose POV

            She closes her door and i sit down

R: do you think i was too hard on them Daff?

Daff: i think we did our parts...Rose i'm worried...i don't know WHAT Violet's been doing lately 

R: i'm kinda pissed Daisy didn't at least tell me she was dating someone...and of ALL people she chooses a poetic emo theater geek like seriously?...*sigh*...i just have too much on my mind-

Daff: well until we at least meet Jenna i'm not letting Daisy out of my sight...and Violet...*sigh* i don't know what to do with her

R: hey!...about before...yanno i still stand by it

Daff: oh come now not this again

R: Daff...what's the real reason you said no to Karen?

Daff: she's an unstable...and we're just freinds-


Daff: FINE!...this is EXACTLY why Rose!

              She closes the dishwasher after she finishes washing the dishes

R: what? dishes?

Daff: NO those two...and you...*sigh* Rose i'm the oldest i feel responsible for you...i can't possibly just give up half my time to her

R: we aren't kids daff...you can have your own life 

Daff: i don't know...i mean karen somehow juggles more and i never understand it

R: she ALSO lets her sisters do whatever they want daff...you HAVE to let us go at some point

Daff: *whispers* i just...don't want to

Iris POV

            I'v been getting these weird dizzy spells lately...every once in a while when i look at my tv i hear that voice again too...anyways Max has been feeling much better about Sam-

M: like this?

I: uh...*chuckle* you got the pattern wrong...again

M: oh shit aha

                 Max decided to make lil bandannas for the puppy's at the adoption center and i of course said i'd help...but first i have to teach her which i don't mind to much...i'v been wondering on asking her since before i knew about Sam actually...

I: hey um maxie?

M: yeah bud?

I: i was wondering if...well if Sam was never around...who else would you date?

M: uh that's a hard one honestly i mean Sam's been my first choice s-since...*clears throat* since i saw them...anyways why ya ask?

I: oh no reason

M: oh come on iris i know there has to be SOME reason

            I feel my face start to heat up...of course there's a reason but i'm not sure if i'm ready to tell her...not yet 

I: nothing really i was just thinking since there are so many other options 

M: i mean...yeah honestly i'd be lying if i didn't find others hot or cute but like...again yanno people don't see me for much and i'd want someone who saw me for me...Sam seemed like that type of person yanno? The Maddie-

I: isn't she your sister?

M: ...*clears throat* uh...w-well no actually...not all people from the same video are related yanno?...we thought that the first could weeks till we got blood results from a check up and saw we have different blood types...

                     I start to...lose control...what's going on here

Ruby POV

             I look in my mirror at my reflection

R: okay damn it what the HELL are you fucking planning? 

Re: why what makes ya think i'm planning something? 

R: i can fucking feel like most of your energy is gone i SAW you leave most if me WHO THE HELL has the rest damn it!?! i SWEAR if you hurt violet-

Re: *chuckle* do you really think i'd waste my time and energy on someone as weak and pathetic as her? i could puppet you to grab her neck and if your stupid feelings weren't in the way she would've been taken care of a long time ago...you'll see...for now i'm just leaving you be...mostly

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