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Alanis POV 

              I head to the bar and walk up to get a drink

K: oh God what are we gonna do?

Gem: i don't see the big problem sis. Sure maxine and iris were who people liked to listen to more but maybe we could get someone else to do the gig tonight

K: yeah well what about the band?-

Alan: hey guys could we get some beers-

Gem: well...ding ding

K: that's...that's great hey um Alanis

Alan: yuh?

K: you um you preform with the band right?

Alan: well yeah but i've never done it

Gem: she's saying if ya could take the singing for tonight

Alan: oh...yeah sure that'd be chill

K: wonderful thank you SO much you have no IDEA what a life saver this is

                        Guess i'm singing I get up on stage and say hi to the band before grabbing the mic...oh...oh wow i've never done this before...there's a lot of people 

Alan: u-uh testing...testi- *ring* 

                     Oh God okay too close to the mic, got it. Once the noise stops i realize i got everyone's attention...oh fuck that's a LOT of eyes-

Alan: *gulp* uh so M-Max couldn't um make it tonight s-so um i'ma be singing for y'all-

                       I see Gabrielle and Rose walk into the bar

Rose POV

R: ...why is Alanis up there?

G: hm? where?

R: on stage?

G: oh? OH! um well i assume maddie is busy...max can't really sing and iris well...besides it is about time the newbies sing 

R: right

              We get some margaritas and sit 

Alan: u-uh so um my s-song is called- well not my song it's a cover of a song c-called "you oughta know"

R: they're really struggling aren't they

G: this IS their official first time preforming

               Normally they seem so confident, strong, independent...not that i notice it's just...i've never seen them so shaky. We wave at them and they calm down a lil

Alan: i...want you to know 

                 They wink at us then smile

Alan: that i'm happy for you

Barbie POV

                      They really aren't the best at table fact probably the messiest eater i've ever seen... how did they get bbq sauce on their nose?

D: my God barbie these are so good

B: they must be

D: hm?

B: i just mean the way you're downing them...that or you haven't eaten all day

                      They hold up one finger while drinking some soda to say "first option"

B: well thank know um...normally elbows on the table is considered rude

D: ...o-oh sorry i um right

B: it's okay...i've never met someone as...

                        Pick word wisely- 

B: messy

                          Great job barbs -_-

B: as you

D: oh...well i normally eat alone so i guess i never had a need for a napkin...or manners

B: here

                             I reach over and wipe their nose with a napkin

B: thanks

                              We finish dinner and sit on the sofa

D: so what?

B: *chuckle* well what do you wanna do?

D: i don't know...

B: ...OH right you said your arms were sore

D: a lil nothing i'm not used to

B: here lets get this off

                          I start unbuttoning their shirt

D: w-we're gonna do this now?

B: what? oh no no no i just wanna see something

                         They take of their shirt and it all makes sense

B: binder...hard have sore muscles all along your shoulders and back

D: ...well yeah

B: take it off

D: barb...i'd rather not

B: i'm not going to look. You take it off and lay down on your chest. I think i can help your back pain a lil

                       They hesitate but then do it. I start with circles along the back

D: i'm not really into this spa stuff

B: we'll see

                          I get to their shoulders and start massaging em

D: this is stu-...oh...oh w-wow~

B: *chuckle* just relax would you?...your muscles are so tense

                          After a bit their muscles completely soften. They hum in appreciation 

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