should i?

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           As im walking out Pheonix walks up and hugs public so i like usually...push her the FUCK away

S: nix come on we've been over this i don't like pda even if were just friends 

P: oh right sorry i just yanno...i know how much you hate being in the cells

S: its fine honestly being across from Allie who was...loud but like i mean she was-

A: hey sam aint it great we finally out

S: um yeah its great

                 We talk for a while and then she happily walks over to Maddies car

M: hey sam?

S: yeah?

M: thanks

S: uhhhh for what?

M: not showing how much allie was annoying you to her face...i know your not a people person but she seemed really happy

S: no prob-

M: *hugs* sorry um aha allie and i are bye

                       She walks to her car and they drive away...Allie waves and winks at me as they do...i feel weird

P: oooooohhhhh myyyyy Gooodddd

S: what?

                       I look at her...shes giving me this look

P: *giggle*

S: look i dont think i feel good ima drive home-

P: you like em don't cha-

S: WHAT?-PFTTTT no are you kidding me?

                        We call a uber and get in

P: oh my God wait you do don't cha? like i was just kidd-

S: *sigh* nix weve been over this i'm ace anyways so like anyone who'd think about being with me-

P: would want you for you...not the sex

S: so i can't possibly-

P: not true

S: what do you mean?

P: yanno ace is a umbrella term...and one thing under that umbrella is "demisexuals"...they're people who only fall in love with someone they've learned to trust so they don't like every person they've ever seen but some people...if you give em the chance...could win your heart...besides that your ace it don't mean you CAN'T fall in love

S: *sigh* i don't know nix

P: why not give it a chance?

S: cus i don't fucking know how like come ON nix look at me and max...i don't even know how to tell her i don't wanna date...i don't know how to ask someone to

P: maybe just start with getting to know them better

S: ...maybe... um but hey pride day is soon so that's cool


                   For our town since were so special, our pride day is in January...the 21th of January to be precise. We do parades and all that... its pretty cool i guess. I wonder how the bad karma and ttny people are gonna react since yanno they came the same year and all never really celebrated it

Phoenix POV

                   Oh my GOD its almost pride day...i said i was gonna be out by walk into my place to hang for a bit yanno just chill. Sam goes and sits on the sofa looking for a cool movie or something

P: *sigh* 

S: whats up nix?

P: nothing

S: oh come on nix i know ya enough what is it?

                   Should i tell her? i just...i trust her and all but like i just don't know

P: its nothing really sammy-

                     I feel her looking at me...ugh

P: okay well actually...sammy i'v been um yanno exploring and stuff u-uhhhh

                      She gives me a questioning look and i sit next to her...i can't believe i'm doing this-

S: hey...come on nix we've known each other since like the beginning yanno you can tell me anything. I'd never judge ya...were best fucking friends 

P: i...i k-know i... uhh w-well 

phone: *rings*

                      oh thank GOD. I pick up...its faith

F: hey pjeonix are you to busy? i wouldn't wanna bother ya i know ya just got out

P: nah im fine uh what is it?

F: look i um i don't normally do this you know how much i love working there but i was gonna take the day off to spend it with Jade and i don't have anyone else to ask-

P: oh sure

F: really? i-i'll pay you i pr-

P: no need Faith yanno i enjoy a quiet day anyway

F: oh okay thanks Phenoix

P: any time

                    I hang up and let out a sigh of relif...

S: who was that?

P: Fiath, she asked if i could take manage the library today which sounds fun

S: fun? its a library

P: we have different views on what fun is sammy aha...see ya around i'ma drive there

S: hey what about what ya were gonna tell me?

P: oh...i'll tell yeah sooner or later sam...besides i'm n-not sure if im ready

S: ight...just know nix i promise i won't judge

P: *sigh* yeah

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